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January 5th, 2023

Why living in London is every young person’s dream


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes


January 5th, 2023

Why living in London is every young person’s dream


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

Moving away from home is challenging in itself, but moving countries and to a big and vibrant city like London can be even more daunting.

Having spent two months here, I have a newly formed opinion about the city and here’s my experience that can help you make a decision on your move.

To begin with, it’s important to acknowledge that London is an expensive city to live in. As many in my cohort joke, “It costs to breathe in London,” and so it may not be as easy a decision to make for everyone. That said, it is possible to live on a budget and still make the most of your time in London. Now let’s talk about why I love the city so much already.

Public transport

The convenience and ease with which one can move around London is something I truly cherish. The public transport system is safe and easy to navigate. On my first day here, it took me no effort to understand which tube line I needed to take to go collect my BRP at a faraway post office. As I’ve told numerous people back home, all you need is your phone and a card to make payments with and you can have a great time out without any worries.


When deciding on if I should move to London, safety was an important factor to consider. Crime undeniably exists in all corners of the world and it’s true for London as well. While it’s important to be safe and cautious whenever you are stepping out, so far I have never once felt unsafe when I’m out and about. I have returned home at 3am and felt like it was 7pm, I always felt safe and comfortable even if the streets were empty. However, it’s very important to take precaution. Always travel in groups and always be aware of your surroundings.


London also offers so much in terms of activities and places to visit. Since I’ve been here I’ve been to countless museums, explored so many new restaurants and cuisines, attended gigs and there’s still so much left to do. There’s something for everyone, you can immerse yourself in the art and culture the city offers or you can have a great night out bar-hopping with your friends. It’s important to remember, it’s a global city and you are exposed to an incredible amount of culture and diversity.


Not to forget, no matter what you’re studying, there are immense work opportunities for you to take advantage of. You have the chance to try practically anything you’ve ever wanted to try, intern at places that can help you grow your understanding of a certain field, volunteer with organizations who are making a difference in the world and be surrounded by some of the brightest minds in every field.


Although some might think two months is too early to make such declarations, for me, moving to London, has been one of the best decisions of my life. It has helped me move out of my bubble and meet people that I never would have met if I chose to remain back home. It can be a seminal experience for some people, but will definitely help you grow as a person. I became more independent, open to new experiences and gained so much perspective about the world. If you’re unsure if a move to London will be worth it, take this as a sign that it will be.

About the author


Hi, I’m Lavanya and I’m studying MSc Public Policy and Administration at LSE.

Posted In: London life

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