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April 13th, 2023

My experience with joining LSESU’s clubs and societies


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes


April 13th, 2023

My experience with joining LSESU’s clubs and societies


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

Joining the LSE Student Union (LSESU) clubs and societies is a great way to ensure you make the most of your time at university. From meeting new people to learning new skills, the LSESU clubs and societies are a great way to enhance your university experience.

LSESU Women’s Basketball

One of the LSESU societies that I am a part of this year is the Women’s Basketball Club. As a beginner, I attend a weekly training session on Thursday evenings. But if you are a more advanced player there is also the opportunity to train on Tuesday evenings. I have particularly enjoyed these sessions as they are run by a professional basketball coach, which has enabled me to improve my skills weekly through the valuable feedback which they provide.

It goes without saying, joining basketball has also enabled me to keep up my fitness levels during term time. It can often be hard to find time and motivation to keep fit whilst keeping on top of university work. Accordingly, joining a sports club is a great way to keep you accountable to doing some exercise.

One of the highlights of joining a club or society, is the strong sense of community it provides. Despite the fact that the club is composed of people of different experiences, ages and backgrounds, all members are very supportive of each other. Consequently, I have made many friendships through joining the club. So if you are looking to get to know people from outside your course, the LSESU’s clubs and societies provide a great means to do so.

The social benefits of the clubs and societies are furthermore reinforced by the frequent socials which they host. Joining Women’s Basketball has given me the opportunity to attend weekly meetups on Wednesdays, which are subsequently followed by the Athletics Union’s club night at the infamous Sway club. As many of the other LSESU sport societies have socials on this night, it provides the best occasion to meet people from other clubs and societies.

In addition to the weekly socials that the Women’s Basketball Club organises, there are also other events. Last term, one of my highlights was the club dinner at one of Brick Lane curry houses. I had the chance to get to know my team mates even better.

Moreover, LSESU Women’s Basketball, like may other LSESU societies runs an annual trip abroad during reading week. Last year the club travelled to Athens for a few days. Whereas, this year rumour has it that the trip will be going to Paris, of which I am greatly looking forward to.

LSESU Yoga Society

This year I have also joined the Yoga Society, which has provided me with a great means to de-stress from university work. For only £15 a year, Yoga members can attend up to 5 classes a week on campus. Whilst I do not attend every yoga session, the high number of available sessions has been very useful to me as I am able to be flexible about when I attend them.

Moreover the different sessions focus on different types of yoga, with some being more active and others focusing on more relaxing practices, so there is sure to be something for whatever you fancy.

Like the Women’s Basketball Club, this society is also run by professional teachers, which has enabled me to really get the most out of the sessions.

The Yoga Society also runs frequent social events each term to help you get know each other better, and people of other societies. For instance, last term, the Yoga Society did collaborations with other societies including the LSESU Crafts. Here we got to make our own jewellery.

Why should you join an LSESU club or society ?

Attending yoga and basketball has overall been a very positive experience, of which I would greatly recommend for anyone looking to improve their skills, fitness or simply make new friends.

About the author


Hello! My name is Saoirse. I'm in my second year at LSE, studying Environment and Development.

Posted In: Student life

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