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May 8th, 2023

Tackle exam preparation like a pro


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes


May 8th, 2023

Tackle exam preparation like a pro


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

Back in February, as essays, presentations, and the stress of dissertation started building up, it became easy for me to forget that I had to write exams in the summer. With only a few weeks of term time remaining, I found that there was an increasing need for me to start preparing for my exams.

I have three exams that I need to write in the summer but my preparation for each of them has been different. To begin with, the exam for my quantitative analysis course is the one that I am most worried about. Although our course ended in the first term, the exam is only taking place in the summer. To prepare for this, I redid my notes during my winter break. This was an easy way for me to revise my learnings and ensure I didn’t have any doubts but also made me feel like I was better prepared now it’s exam season.

For the other two exams I am making sure that my notes are up to date and in a format that will help me revise efficiently. With each of the modules having so much content to cover, it helps to already have a note-taking mechanism in place that doesn’t need me to redo it when the time comes in the summer. If you feel like the notes you have taken aren’t or won’t as useful, look up some note-taking formats on the internet and pick one that works the best for you. While I’m still working on my notes, I have a timeline in place that will help me ensure that this is done before work gets extremely hectic.

Further to this, my friends and I have a plan in place to meet for revisions before exams begin in June. This is especially important for our Introduction to Quantitative Analysis course which requires us to use concepts taught to us two terms ago. We plan to go through all concepts taught during our course and solve past papers to prepare well for the exams. Unfortunately, this can’t be done for all courses, but this is where group study sessions will come in handy. Even when I don’t have exams I find studying in pairs or small groups of four very helpful. It helps to keep everyone motivated and small breaks in between also help you relax.

Everyone may have different ways of preparing for exams. For some, making the library their permanent residence is the only way they can work and for others working with their friends helps them feel better prepared. But in all of this it’s important to remember that our health and wellbeing is also important, don’t forget to take breaks, eat healthy meals and workout to ensure you bring your best self to the exams.

About the author


Hi, I’m Lavanya and I’m studying MSc Public Policy and Administration at LSE.

Posted In: Student life

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