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August 8th, 2023

Surviving an expensive city on a student budget


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes


August 8th, 2023

Surviving an expensive city on a student budget


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

I want to begin by saying being frugal is not a bad thing. In fact, it’s almost a requirement when you are student living in a city as expensive as London. Having lived here for almost a year now, I want to share a few tips that have helped me survive on a student budget.

  1. Get a part-time job: This might not be possible to do for everyone but if you do have the time and energy to spare then consider taking up a part-time job. It doesn’t have to be anything that’s too demanding or requires a lot of skill, but basically a job that adds a little income to your life and makes it easier for you to live on a student budget.
  2. Plan your expenses: As a student, there are some recurring expenses that you will have, such as topping up your Oyster card, weekly groceries, subscriptions, and so on. It might take you a month or two to fully understand these recurring expenses but once you have a better idea, keep that money aside to make sure your life doesn’t get disrupted. It leaves you with a better understanding of how much money you will have each month to spare on going out and entertainment.
  3. Cook your own meals: This might seem like a no-brainer but as a student sometimes you may find it difficult to cook your own meals, do other chores and study at the same time. I made the mistake of eating out often which took away a large chunk of money from my monthly budget. Learn simple recipes that require little effort and take meals to campus instead of buying something every day. Once I started making my own meals, I appreciated more eating out and trying different cuisines, rather than just spending money on sandwiches and little snaks before class.
  4. Keep an eye out for student discounts: A lot of stores and businesses offer student discounts. Make sure you have a Student Beans and UNiDAYS account to take advantage of the countless offers that are up for taking. Even entertainment activities such as escape rooms and gaming cafés offer student discounts, in case you’re looking for something fun to do on a budget.

As a student, I understand the need to make the most of your time at LSE and in London and unfortunately a lot of that requires you to spend money. It is important that you are disciplined about how much you spend. Make sure you have sufficient money for food and your wellbeing. Don’t compromise on important expenses just so you can have a fun night out every week. It’s difficult but it’s not impossible.

About the author


Hi, I’m Lavanya and I’m studying MSc Public Policy and Administration at LSE.

Posted In: Money

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