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Forum for Philosophy

February 4th, 2020



Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

Forum for Philosophy

February 4th, 2020



Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

Louise Arimatsu/ Robin Dunford/ Rachel Julian/ Michael Neu

Listen here or on YouTube

Peace is highly valued, but how is it achieved? Why are some periods in world history relatively peaceful compared to others? What, if anything, can be done to ensure peace now? Are there limits to what we are justified in doing to ensure peace? Is pacifism a justified response to war? We discuss the history, ethics, and politics of peace.

Louise Arimatsu, Distinguished Policy Fellow, LSE
Robin Dunford, Principal Lecturer, Centre for Spatial, Environmental and Cultural Politics, University of Brighton
Rachel Julian, Reader in Peace Studies, Leeds Beckett University
Michael Neu, Senior Lecturer, Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics, University of Brighton

Jonathan Birch, Fellow, Forum for Philosophy & Associate Professor of Philosophy, LSE

Co-sponsored by the Centre for Philosophy of the Natural and Social Sciences, LSE


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Forum for Philosophy

Science, politics, and culture from a philosophical point of view

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