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Forum for Philosophy

October 10th, 2021


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Estimated reading time: 1 minute

Forum for Philosophy

October 10th, 2021


0 comments | 9 shares

Estimated reading time: 1 minute

Molly Mathieson/ Alexander Mazonowicz/ Hanna Pickard


Listen to the recording here or on YouTube


What is addiction? Although it is often discussed in terms of neurobiology, this can’t begin to capture what it means to be addicted and what addiction does to our sense of self. Philosophers have long been concerned with questions about the self and identity, so might philosophy be able to help us to understand addiction? And what does understanding the relationship between addiction and identity mean for recovery? Philosopher Hannah Pickard and members of New Note Orchestra, the first recovery orchestra in the world, discuss.


Molly Mathieson
Founder and Chief Executive, New Note Projects
Alexander Mazonowicz
Musician, New Note Orchestra
Hanna Pickard
Bloomberg Distinguished Professor of Philosophy and Bioethics, Johns Hopkins University


Jonathan Birch
Fellow, Forum for Philosophy & Associate Professor of Philosophy, LSE


Recorded on 4 October 2021




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Forum for Philosophy

Science, politics, and culture from a philosophical point of view

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