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January 7th, 2019

The Ballpark podcast Episode 3.5: Missouri


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Blog Admin

January 7th, 2019

The Ballpark podcast Episode 3.5: Missouri


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

In this episode of the Ballpark, we head to Missouri to investigate the state’s political landscape and why its Senate race was so heated in this midterm cycle. We also talk to experts about 2018 as the Year of the Woman, explore some fascinating research on political ideology, and talk about what we can expect from this record-setting number of women in Congress.

Contributors: Robynn Kuhlmann (University of Central Missouri), Samantha Pettey (Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts)

Listen to Episode 3.5 on Soundcloud


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The Ballpark was produced with help of the LSE’s Annual Fund.  Our theme tune is by Ranger and the “Re-Arrangers”, a Seattle based gypsy jazz band.

Featured image: Missouri Welcome Sign” by Doug Wallick is licensed under CC BY NC SA 2.0

Note:  This podcast gives the views of the interviews and co-hosts, and is not the position of USAPP – American Politics and Policy, the LSE US Centre, nor the London School of Economics.

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Blog Admin

Posted In: Ballpark Season 3 | Robynn Kuhlmann | Samantha Pettey | State of the States

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