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July 3rd, 2023

Listen to Climate Change: America and the World Podcast Episode 4: Climate Change and Race

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Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Blog Admin

July 3rd, 2023

Listen to Climate Change: America and the World Podcast Episode 4: Climate Change and Race

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Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

In this episode we look at the different experiences of climate change in the United States from a racial perspective. We are joined by Centennial Professor Laura Pulido (LSE Department of Geography and Environment and Phelan US Centre) and Jeremy Williams (The Earthbound Report) to discuss how environmental racism manifests and how urban development has contributed to this problem. By discussing historical developments and contemporary policies, this episode looks to clarify the intersection between climate change and race.

Listen on Spotify to to Climate Change: America and the World Podcast – Episode 4: Climate Change and Race

Listen on Soundcloud to to Climate Change: America and the World Podcast – Episode 4: Climate Change and Race

Further reading and resources

Contributors: Professor Laura Pulido (University of Oregon, LSE Department of Geography and Environment, LSE Phelan US Centre), Jeremy Williams, Mohid Rehman Malik (Phelan US Centre)


This episode was produced by Mohid Malik, Anderson Tan, and Chris Gilson. Music from this episode: John Abbot/City Phases, Guustaav/Star Salutations, Nihoni/Fuzzy Logic, Ebb & Flod/Luna, Walt Adams/Things To Sort Out/ courtesy of

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Image credit: “20161005-FNS-LSC-0884” (Public Domain) by USDAgov

Note:  This podcast gives the views of the interviewee and host, and is not the position of USAPP – American Politics and Policy, the LSE Phelan US Centre, nor the London School of Economics.

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Posted In: Climate Change: America and the World | Environment

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