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Mary Ann Macdonald

March 8th, 2023

LSE Student Volunteering Week: Volunteering and International Development


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

Mary Ann Macdonald

March 8th, 2023

LSE Student Volunteering Week: Volunteering and International Development


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

This week is LSE Student Volunteering Week. The overarching theme for the whole week is ‘inclusion’, with each day holding events centred around a sub-theme. Wednesday is being led by Mary Ann Macdonald (BSc History and International Relations), who has chosen to focus her events around International Development. In this blogpost, she will reflect on why she chose this theme and share the Wednesday events! 

My name is Mary Ann, and I’m a first year studying a BSc in History and IR. For the Wednesday of Student Volunteering Week #LSESVW23, I chose the sub-theme of ‘International Development’, because this is the sector that I volunteer the most in at the moment. I have been volunteering for CAFOD, an international development charity, for coming up to a year now, mainly helping with various administrative tasks and social media communications. Volunteering with CAFOD has allowed me to see the behind-the-scenes of how an international development charity functions and responds to crisis across the world. Through volunteering with others in solidarity and using each of our varying talents, it is incredibly fulfilling to see how we can work together towards global justice. My motivation to volunteer in the international development sector is also very much connected to my faith – and our shared duty to love our neighbours in every situation, especially those in poverty across the globe.

I am super excited to be organising Wednesday’s events that aim to highlight volunteering opportunities in the international development sector – take a look at them below!

Meet CAFOD: 1.30-3pm

CAFOD are part of one the largest aid networks in the world. They reach out to people living in poverty with practical help, and also campaign for global justice. My favourite part of CAFOD is that their work is very much rooted in love. With the help of local experts, CAFOD provides long-term aid to uplift people with the skills and tools needed to lead a full and dignified life. One of the highlights of my volunteering experience was joining thousands of CAFOD supporters in the Global Day of Action march in London, which had a specific focus on calling for climate action as leaders prepared to meet at COP27. One of the demands was for a ‘Loss and Damage Fund’, which was agreed upon by leaders at the end of COP27. This is a massive step forward in supporting communities whose lives have been destroyed by the climate crisis. Being part of CAFOD has made me realise that real change can and does happen through the power of volunteering. We look forward with the hopeful assurance that all our little positive actions are at least a step along the way to a better place. Right now, CAFOD is namely focused on the need to ‘Fix The Food System’ which does not work for small farmers that work the hardest – and is major driver of the climate emergency. CAFOD has a vast array of volunteering opportunities to contribute towards this and their other projects, including a gap year programme, signing petitions, coming along to CAFOD gatherings/protests, and much more!

To find out more about CAFOD and get involved, come on by their stall on the ground floor of the CBG at 1.30-3pm! You are sure to find a volunteering opportunity to suit your time and skills! Whichever way you choose to support CAFOD’s work, you are helping ensure no one is beyond reach of the love and care they need to thrive.

One-off volunteering: Knitting for Syria

The LSE volunteer centre is hosting a one-off volunteering opportunity where you can learn how to knit and create squares to contribute to a blanket to make a huge difference to the lives of internally displaced people, or to children in Syrian hospitals. Knit for Syria then transport the knitted and crocheted items to Syria where they are distributed according to seasonal need.

International Women’s Day – Join CARE and #WalkForWomen

Fancy a volunteering opportunity that you can do while getting active? Join in with CARE International’s #WalkForWomen!

CARE International is a leading humanitarian organisation fighting global poverty, operating in over 100 countries. They place a special focus on women and girls because we cannot overcome poverty until all people have equal rights and opportunities. For International Women’s Day (Wednesday 8th March), CARE have organised a #WalkForWomen, to be in solidarity with and celebrate the millions of women across the globe who support those fleeing conflict, keep their families safe during famine, and deliver life-saving responses to the climate crisis. Watch their website’s space for a podcast full of inspiring stories from these brilliant women, that you can listen to as you step out in solidarity with them. You could even go further – pledge your distance and raise money for CARE in the process! Make sure to use the hashtag #WalkForWomen on social media as you walk, to raise awareness and encourage others to join in.

Remember to let us know how you are getting involved throughout the week, on social media with our hashtag #LSESVW23. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at

If Mary Ann has inspired you to volunteer, check out one of our other ongoing opportunities or book a one-to-one with David Coles, the Volunteer Centre Manager if you have more questions. And why not follow us on Twitter, and Instagram to stay up-to-date with our events and opportunities and read our blog for more volunteering tips and stories. 

About the author

Mary Ann Macdonald

BSc in International Relations and History, 2025

Posted In: Events and Opportunities | Information

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