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The LSE Women, Peace and Security blog seeks to make a gender analysis of peace and security available in an accessible way for a wide readership.

We welcome well-argued, evidence-based submissions that can improve public debate and that explores contemporary issues relating to women, peace and security and women’s human rights in conflict-affected contexts.

The views expressed on the LSE Women, Peace and Security blog are those of the authors alone. They do not reflect the position of the LSE Centre for Women, Peace and Security, nor that of the London School of Economics and Political Science. The site is not intended to convey legal advice. 

Please note: We are NOT accepting submissions at this time. 


Notes for Contributors

Length and format

  • In order to increase readability and accessibility, articles must be between 750 and 1,200 words.
  • If you feel 1,200 words is too limiting for the topic you wish to address, consider breaking the content down into multiple posts which develop your topic or idea or discuss the piece with the blog editor as it may suit the long-read section. This can also be discussed with the blog editor if you feel that a word count beyond 1,200 is appropriate for the topic.

Audience, writing style and language

  • Our main aim is to increase the public understanding of the broad area of women, peace and security. Your article should be written with a wide audience in mind, including policy-makers and other non-academics.
  • Please remain aware that some ideas and experiences may not translate well into academic terminology; some disciplinary jargon can be inaccessible. Posts should be written as if you are explaining an idea or a concept to a well-read, informed friend who doesn’t happen to be knowledgeable in the area. With this is mind avoid overusing acronyms and academic terms as well as Latin phrases.
  • Use short paragraphs made up of four or five sentences.
  • As with journalistic pieces ‘lead with the best.’ Don’t save your main argument or analysis for the end of the post.
  • Write your article as a standalone piece, even if it summarises material in a longer paper or journal article. Try to present all of your argument and evidence within the text and avoid relying on information contained in external sources.
  • We use British English, i.e. organisation not organization.
  • For good examples of blog writing and presentation see “How to write a blogpost from your journal article in eleven easy steps” from the LSE Impact Blog.


  • We use links rather than citations for references. Links should direct readers to more detailed reports or other pieces of research, news items or other blog posts. Open access sources are preferable compared to those behind paywalls (not all readers will have access to online journals or paywalled articles).
  • Consider opportunities to link to other Centre resources, such as working papers, event recordings and the Tackling Violence Against Women resource site.
  • Please insert a hyperlink at the point of your argument that you’d like to reference or simply place the URL in parentheses where you would like it to be placed and the editor will insert the link.
  • Please avoid using footnotes and integrate material directly into the text.

Editing process

  • The blog editor will edit the piece to enhance readability to the blog’s wider audience, or request that you make these edits. Once these edits are complete, we will send you the final version of the article and give you the opportunity to make final edits.
  • All articles on the Women, Peace and Security blog should be evidence based. With this in mind, editors may double-check the factual accuracy of certain points, or ask you for links to supporting information.


  • We welcome comments on posts and will accept any reasonable or constructive comment, including criticisms. We operate a propriety filter, so comments are routed to the blog team and not posted for public view until they have been checked, so there will be a delay in posting. Read the comments policy.

Creative Commons and article sharing policy

  • Unless otherwise specified, our articles are published under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence (CC BY 3.0) and other blogs and publications are free to use them, with attribution.