Brexit marks a seemingly decisive pivot away from Europe. This decision dominated not by a view of the future, but by a view of the past bears striking resemblance to the geopolitical blunders of Munich and Suez, the consequences of which were the opposite of those intended. Nicholas Wescott (SOAS) argues that those historical precedents do not bode well for the future success of the Brexit project.
It is often only in retrospect that we can see the real impact of events which seem important at the time, but which define an unexpected new direction. The fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 was immediately recognised as a turning point, but the proclaimed ‘triumph of the West’ has faded as American omnipotence and European hubris has turned into a more complex and volatile multipolar world with increasingly assertive authoritarian governments.
No-one would deny that Brexit is a turning point for Britain, though many have neglected its implications for foreign policy. It impacts our relations not only with Europe but with the whole world, and though we are turning, it is not clear in which direction. The mantra of a ‘Global Britain’ remains a slogan without a strategy, but the main message appears to be that Brexit marks a decisive pivot away from Europe. Yet it has uncanny similarities to two other turning points in recent British history: Chamberlain’s flight to Munich in 1938 and the Suez crisis in 1956. In all three cases, decisions were dominated not by a view of the future, much less a strategy for it, but by a view of the past. In Munich and Suez, the consequences were the opposite of those intended. In the case of Brexit, we wait to see. But the historical precedents do not bode well.
Munich 1938
The appeasement of Germany pursued by the Conservative government in the mid-1930s, culminating in Chamberlain’s ill-fated trip to Munich and his return with the now infamous ‘piece of paper’, was intended to avoid a war. Chamberlain himself had been deeply scarred by the First World War, a trauma in which many of his generation were slaughtered in the fields of Flanders. He was determined as Prime Minister to prevent a second such disaster and believed that no effort should be spared to avoid a breakdown in relations with a resurgent Germany that might provoke conflict.
Some argue that Munich merely postponed an inevitable conflict by some 12 months, enabling the government’s rearmament efforts to prepare Britain better for war, especially in the air. Others argue that, far from postponing war, it made it more likely by giving Hitler the impression that both Britain and France had no appetite for war and were willing to make almost any concession to avoid it. He, therefore, proceeded with plans to invade Poland. At the time, Winston Churchill was the most prominent and outspoken opponent of appeasement, and history has broadly judged him to be right. If Britain had taken a tougher line in 1938, as Churchill urged, war just might have been avoided – though such conjectural history is always impossible to prove.
Nevertheless, Chamberlain’s action at the time was popular. Many British people also dreaded another war, even if some believed it was unavoidable. Had the government chosen to put the question to a referendum, there is little doubt that the public would have backed the Prime Minister.
Of course, once Churchill had ousted Chamberlain, Britain proceeded to win the war – an event that has had an overwhelming influence ever since on the British psyche in general and Euro-scepticism in particular. Churchill, not Chamberlain, became the national hero. But even Churchill admitted that it was a damned near run thing and, like Wellington at Waterloo saved by the arrival of Blucher’s Prussians, without US support through Lend-Lease and subsequently as an ally, Britain may not have survived, for all the mobilisation (voluntary or not) of its imperial resources.
So Munich heralded not peace but war, and a war that left Britain more dependent on the US and more fragile in its own empire than before – the exact opposite of what Chamberlain had intended by his flight to Munich.
Suez 1956
The extent of that dependence on the US was graphically illustrated by the Suez crisis. Ironically, Eden – who had finally achieved his lifetime ambition to become Prime Minister in 1955 – treated Nasser’s decision to nationalise the Suez Canal as if he were a latter-day Hitler or Mussolini. His decisions were governed by a determination not to repeat the mistakes of appeasement, but also by an outdated view of Britain’s empire, already slipping from its grasp, and of its global power. The Asian empire, to which Suez was the umbilical link, had largely gone. But conspiring with the French and Israelis, Eden believed a show of imperial strength could force Nasser from power. He was wrong. Nasser relished the challenge and the US, long sceptical of Britain’s continued imperial pretensions, refused to support sterling which crashed, forcing the British to withdraw. Without US support, Britain no longer had the power to pursue an autonomous foreign policy in the Middle East. Focussed on the past, Eden had failed to notice that the world had changed.
There is no greater sin in foreign policy than exaggerating your strength and ignoring your weaknesses. You will inevitably be caught out, as foreign powers are less susceptible to the comfortable illusions that sway voters at home. Eden, for all his years as Foreign Secretary – or perhaps because of them – fell into this trap. Suez revealed starkly to the world, and to the UK Government itself, that the British lion was becoming ragged and losing its teeth. Far from heralding a reassertion of Britain’s power as a global player, it precipitated the final end of the empire. Within a decade of Suez, it had effectively vanished, replaced by a Commonwealth of independent states which, whatever their residual affection for Britain, were determined to pursue independent foreign policies.
Eden resigned soon after Suez. His successor, Macmillan, proved an ultra-realist, but one able to take a forward rather than backward look. He undertook a serious strategic review of Britain’s place in the world which revealed that the empire already cost more than it was worth and that the only way Britain could continue to project a global role and protect its vital economic interests was by joining the Common Market, which Britain had cold-shouldered during the Fifties. France, concluding after Suez that Britain was an unreliable ally, had accelerated negotiation of the Treaty of Rome to bind itself closer to Germany and its immediate neighbours, and through General de Gaulle’s veto excluded Britain for a further decade.
One wonders whether had Eden or Macmillan also held a referendum to ascertain whether the British people wanted to dispose of their empire, they would have voted to keep it, imposing impossible costs on the country and condemning Britain to interminable and unwinnable colonial wars, as happened to the Portuguese.
Brexit 2016
Brexit too has been driven not by a vision of the future but by a mythical version of the past. The very slogan, to ‘Take Back Control’ appealed to a past that never existed and ignored a present that gave Britain more control over decisions that affected its national interests than any alternative arrangement (except on immigration, but even that had been contentious before Britain joined the Common Market because of the post-imperial right of Commonwealth citizens to come to the UK). In these circumstances, as with Munich and Suez, Brexit is likely to have unintended consequences that could take Britain in a completely different direction to that intended by its protagonists.
Two factors affect what direction that might be. Firstly, Brexit leaves the UK more deeply divided than ever, having added a Scottish Question to the long-standing Irish Question – as Scotland wants and Northern Ireland already has closer links to the EU than England and Wales, and both seem increasingly willing to leave an English Union to re-join a European one.
Secondly, the government has neither articulated a strategy for Britain’s post-Brexit place in the world nor understood how the rest of the world now sees it, a void the long-awaited Integrated Review looks unlikely to fill. The government’s vision for a ‘Global Britain’ has very little flesh on its bare bones, and many of the government’s actions – to restrict immigration, cut the aid budget, increase defence spending, abandon Erasmus and roll-over almost exactly the same trade deals as it has had while inside the EU – point in a very different direction to that still fuzzy ‘vision’. For all its historic soft power, its global positions in the UN Security Council, G7, G20 and NATO, and the Brexiteers bombast about buccaneering and ‘dominating the world’, the global image of Britain is increasingly of a country divided and distanced from its former friends. Other governments see power as it really is: dependent on the state of the economy, the strength of our forces and the number of our friends. On two out of three counts, Britain is weaker now than it was before. The government can try to hide that from their constituents, but they cannot hide it from their competitors. Other countries will draw their own conclusions, and take advantage of a weaker Britain where they can.
Only a strong dose of realism and a serious forward-looking strategy can restore the national fortunes. Otherwise, this Prime Minister is likely to go down in the Conservative pantheon alongside Chamberlain and Eden rather than beside his beloved Churchill – a man who led his country into the wilderness but never found the Promised Land.
This article gives the views of the author, and not the position of LSE Brexit, nor of the London School of Economics.
No surprise that such drivel has been put forth from SOAS. The author appears obsessed with global power and internationalism, as is the case with most neo-imperialist Remainers.
The author is putting forward his personal views on why we should have remained in the EU all very optimistic. Can he tell me why Hungary had to get medicines from Russia? Why they tried to stop medicines being delivered to Ulster? Why there’s still large scale sailings on small boats from France? Why are the peripheral countries getting the vaccination medicines so late? Why have the French imposed such a rigorous importing procedure for perishable goods? The French have short memories, twice in recent history they bleached their flag. The UK and later the US freed them from the German occupiers as we say “Lest we forget”.
They didn’t try stopping medecines getting INTO North Ireland, they did try stopping medecines coming FROM EU going OUT of EU. It never prevented UK citizens from having their rightful jab, and only them.
It was a bad and poor decision but it was not the decision you were led to believe by many UK media outlets which resorted to outright manipulation of facts.
The author applauds the desire for control by Nasser yet castigates that of the people of the UK. The establishment’s foreign policy decisions in recent years has been disgraceful. Given the facts and the chance to vote the majority of voters would not have supported the mostly disastrous interventions in the Middle East.
Nationalism is cyclic. Internationalism is perpetual. We are one humanity and one world. More interconnected. More interdependent. More interactive than at any time in human history. But, and yes I have a but, we have to find ways of organising that respect each of our diverse communities at local, regional, national and international levels. in that respect we are still far from finding the best way to cooperate on common interests. Whitehall and Westminster are not good models but we learn from their failures. The Commission and Brussels are flawed too and equally we need to learn lessons. Our political systems resist reform at every turn but unless we learn from their failings the future will be less than it should be. Brexit is a cul-de-sac. The sooner we turn around the better for all.
Buenos días.
Me parece muy acertado el análisis del autor que demuestra una visión muy audaz sobre el futuro del Brexit, cuando Gran Bretaña ha sido un miembro de referencia, cuyas ideas influian continuamente en el conjunto de la ue y, nadie les ha echado.
El tiempo dirá si el autor DR. Nicholas Westcott acierta o se equivoca, pero es un gran investigador.
Un saludo
The authors essentially ‘ English’ view mistrusts the EU terming their approach ‘hubris’, it’s more akin to bring asleep at the wheel. He complains that HMG is … exaggerating strengths and ignoring weaknesses, again the EU ignores is strengths and is obsessed by it’s weaknesses.
This dangerous obsession with Churchill, who is despised by inter alia the Irish (including US Irish), the Indians & S. Africans doesn’t bode well for future policy options.
Some of the current errors on UK foreign policy are, missing the Irish influence with the US & EU, ignoring that 5 EU States are neutral (Austria, Ireland, Finland, Malta and Sweden) – two are ex colonies; their neutrality, a result of UK policies. May’s visit to India, to poach the educated Indians (cultural imperialism – a topic on itself) – getting involved in the HK issue (allowing 2.5 million to relocate to the UK, after making immigration an issue for Brexit).
I think that the Johnson is unlikely to be categorised as kindly as either Chamberlain, or Eden – more likely is that he’ll join Lord North!
Boris Johnson: as you say, ‘a man who led his country into the wilderness but never found the Promised Land’? or does the UK remain (to quote Dean Acheson, Truman’s secretary of state), a country that ‘lost an empire and not yet found a role’?
“the final end of the empire” – I think you’ll find that the empire has not yet come to an end – although it will, eventually. The Malvinas, Scotland, NI and Wales still have to free themselves, along with a few other scattered islands.
As for the wartime saviour – all the lend-lease in the world could not have made Britain a victor – what did it was the immense, (and now generally ignored for temporary and shameful political reasons), sacrifice of Russian lives and the suicidal decision of Hitler to declare war on the US. Generally, I must agree with ‘James’s’ post above.
“Only a strong dose of realism and a serious forward-looking strategy can restore the national fortunes. Otherwise, this Prime Minister is likely to go down in the Conservative pantheon alongside Chamberlain and Eden rather than beside his beloved Churchill – a man who led his country into the wilderness but never found the Promised Land.” I agree.
For me the greatest sin is the failure to take advantage of the tools bequeathed to us by history. For these “tools…have the potential for making a realistic appraisal of where we are and where we’re headed; positioning us as it were, in an advantageous place to help us see patterns that might otherwise not be visible to us in the heat of the moment.” Brexit was a ‘heat of the moment’ emotional reaction to a rapidly changing world; the decision will cost us dear, both in the short term and the long term. See,
There is a difference with Brexit. Munich and Suez were attempts to maintain the status quo, whereas Brexit is an attempt to overturn it. Some people no doubt thought they’d like it to be a return to a status quo of forty-five years earlier, though that isn’t status quo, and anyway is manifestly unachievable.
Brexit has parallels with system change in organisations, of which we – society – have some experience. If system change does not have a clear vision of what is trying to be achieved, then chaos and unpredictability are inevitable. A vision is not enough just as we don’t like the current system and want a new one, there needs to be an aim in view. And that aim, if it is to work, must show changes that are designed to bring developmental benefits.
Where developmental vision is absent, or as with Brexit is not a shared one, everyone having their own and they don’t necessarily coincide, typically what happens is that there is confusion and upset until eventually things settle down to look not that dissimilar from what they were in the first place. Everything that is happening with Brexit seems to be following that pattern. As things are panning out, it doesn’t look so unpredictable at all.
I was taught history at SOAS. I think I can fairly say that if I had submitted an essay like Dr. Westcott’s, it would have been returned to me, liberally covered in red ink.
It would be pointed out to me that it is a caricature to say that Chamberlain was motivated purely by a memory of the horrors of the First World War. Even Churchill never went that far. More recent scholarship presents a more nuanced picture (
It would also be pointed out that the Anglo-French adventure in Suez was motivated much more by concerns to do with the Cold War and, more importantly, the threat to Europe’s energy needs, than imperial self-assertion. Chapter 24 of Yergin’s book “The Prize” goes into this in some detail. Of course, Suez had the _effect_ of ringing down the curtain on the Empire, but we cannot possibly argue that Eden harboured romantic notions that it was 1882, he was Gladstone and Nasser was the Khedive. In short, I would be told that I was confusing cause with effect.
And, for good measure, it would be pointed out (rather tartly) that the Coal and Steel Community (the true predecessor to the EU) predated Suez by four years. Moreover, the Spaak Report, which launched the negotiations which led to the Treaty of Rome, was published two months _before_ Nasser nationalised the Suez Canal. Therefore, Suez had no bearing whatever on the creation of the EEC. The French, as just one of six negotiating parties, were in no position to ‘accelerate’ anything.
I think the highly competent academics who taught me, would have concluded their appraisal by imploring me to re-read EH Carr’s unsurpassed book “What is History?” And rightly so.
Brilliant article James. I found it truly thought provoking. I really enjoyed taking on board this perspective.
A very good article. In order to properly understand it, it is important to read a document written in 1979 by Nicholas Henderson, probably one the best British diplomat of the XX C
The fundamentals described by this document are as present today as they were in 1979 and yet the UK seems to trying going back to 1945.
A grave error of judgement that the country will pay dearly.