We need to address the role private debt and real estate play in our economies
Without radical reform we will be vulnerable to future crises and stuck in slow growth for many years, writes Adair Turner
How can the UK improve its lagging productivity — and still build the workforce?
On video: Vince Cable, Diane Coyle, Bronwyn Curtis and Anna Leach, with John Van Reenen and Robin Mansell
The UK’s productivity challenge takes different shapes across sectors
Anna Leach surveys the longstanding impacts of the financial crisis on the financial, transport and construction industries
The UK needs a clear growth strategy to avoid short-term solutions to the productivity puzzle
Anna Valero suggests ways to deal with deficits in skills, infrastructure and innovation
The presence of foreign multinationals in the UK boosts innovation by domestic firms
Capacity to absorb new knowledge is essential, find Riccardo Crescenzi, Luisa Gagliardi and Simona Iammarino
Spending review brings good news for science
Sustained public investment in research can boost business, writes Romesh Vaitilingam
The top ten ways in which firms and universities interact
The social sciences are catching up with other departments in helping shape businesses, writes Patrick Dunleavy
Just how powerful is the Northern Powerhouse?
The idea has generated media hype, but it’s London that takes an ever-larger share of the investment pie, writes Henry Whorwood
Healthcare competition can improve management quality and save lives
Money should follow patients and they need information and choice, write Nicholas Bloom and John Van Reenen
Something is missing in the idea of entrepreneurs as young and empowered
Necessity, rather than opportunity, pushes older adults to become entrepreneurial, writes Lucia Garcia-Lorenzo