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Sarah Neuenschwander

January 14th, 2019

Introducing our new Student Ambassadors programme


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Sarah Neuenschwander

January 14th, 2019

Introducing our new Student Ambassadors programme


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

We are very happy to announce our new Student Ambassadors programme: From the beginning of Lent Term on, twelve students from the Department of International Development will support the Department in community-building and social activities.

From left to right: Lucy Lu, Monica Moses, Deepjyot Kaur, Natasha Glendening, Casey Clark, Saddi Basnet, Innocent Anguyo, Unsia Hussain, Mikhael Farr, Salena Wang (not in the picture: Ebi Ameli, Rachel Epstein)

The twelve students, who are all studying towards an MSc within the Department of International Development, will work in three different teams:

Ambassadors in the Team Media will develop content for the Department’s social media channels as well as report on ongoing activities they participate in across LSE. They will also work on the creation of a student yearbook, which will help students stay connected after graduating.

Ambassadors in the Team Events will support the Department’s staff at public lectures and social events for students.

Finally, Student Ambassadors in the Team Mentorship will be in touch with next year’s offer holders and share their insights with them as current students.

We are also starting a new blog category, the “Ambassadors’ blog”. In it, our newly appointed Ambassadors will share their experience with you and keep you updated on activities and events from across LSE.

Are you a student of the Department of International Development? During the next two terms you will have the opportunity to support the Department’s Ambassadors in various ways: Our Media Ambassadors will be looking out for students who would be interested in sending them photos and/or videos about their student life or who would be willing to be interviewed for short films about the different programmes the Department is offering. You can also update them with events and activities that could be of interest for the Department’s students (e.g. society events) – Media Ambassadors can help you promote them on our social media channels.


Up next: In the next blog entry, our Student Ambassadors briefly present themselves and tell you why they wanted to become an Ambassador for the Department of International Development.

The views expressed in this post are those of the author and in no way reflect those of the International Development LSE blog or the London School of Economics and Political Science. 


About the author

Sarah Neuenschwander

Posted In: Student Ambassadors

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