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November 23rd, 2014

The best bookshops in Izmir, Turkey

5 comments | 13 shares

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

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November 23rd, 2014

The best bookshops in Izmir, Turkey

5 comments | 13 shares

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Meltem Ince Yenilmez is Associate Professor at Yasar University and currently Visiting Researcher at University of California, Berkeley. In this blog post she shares her love for two independent bookshops in Izmir, Turkey. If there’s a bookshop that you think other students and academics should visit when they’re undertaking research or visiting a city for a conference, find more information about contributing below.

Located in the west of Turkey, Izmir is the third most populous city in the country. Famed for its modern and fun-loving residents, its scenic location, and traditional Aegean foods, Izmir is loved by tourists and students alike. Although it does not have book stores as large as those in Istanbul, there remain many independent bookshops in the city worth a visit, with plenty of cafes and places for book-lovers scattered all around. If you are doing research, visiting the city, or looking for just browsing for a new book, these two bookshops below are definitely worth a visit.

Izmir. Credit: Thomas Depenbusch CC BY 2.0

Pan Bookstore is a very large independent store sitting in Karsiyaka, a colourful, social and buzzy area located on the north shore of the city and popular with students. Pan was selected as one of the best bookstores of the past decade in Turkey, and its slogan – “the book is the antidote” – will certainly be remembered by those who visit. People from all walks of life circulate in and out, exploring the store’s vast bookshelves.The homely and bright wooden interior welcomes visitors, who can browse all of the latest bestselling books, biographies, and magazines as well as a range of international publications from literature to travel, gardening to history, anthropology to fiction. The distinctive and pleasing smell of books invades every part of the shop, and is complemented by smooth Jazz pumped gently through the store. Staff are always happy to help new visitors, and tickets for concerts, music, art exhibitions, literary events and theatre shows are also available here. This is a great place to start off if you’re new to the area.

Further east along the coast, Yakin Bookshop welcomes visitors with a wide range of literary genres. Located in Alsancak, the heart of Izmir, the streets here are a haven for both local residents and visitors, with many cafes, shops and restaurants close by. Yakin has been around for over a decade and sells a variety of stationery, magazines, and best sellers, as well as an assortment of international books and souvenirs. Many well-known writers organise their book launches here, as Yakin has such a large following. Once visitors have taken in the store and picked out some new reading, they might like to head straight across the street to one of the many wonderful cafes or bakeries.

Izmir Kemeraltı, Turkey
Old bazaar Izmir, Turkey. Credit: Mehmet Aktugan CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Meltem Ince Yenilmez is Associate Professor at Yasar University and currently Visiting Researcher at University of California, Berkeley. She completed her Ph.D. in Economics and obtained Post Doctorate in Sociology at University of Cambridge. Her research look at female unemployment, women’s empowerment, and women’s rights and cultural alteration. She contributes to MGKmedya.

Do you have a favourite bookshop? If there’s a bookshop that you think other students and academics should visit when they’re undertaking research or visiting a city for a conference, then now’s your chance to tell us all about it.

As part of a new weekly feature on LSE Review of Books, we’re asking academics and students to recommend their favourite two or three bookshops in a particular city, with the aim of building an exciting online series for our book-loving community of readers the world over.

Bookshops could be academic, alternative, foreign language, hobby-based, secret or underground institutions, second hand outlets, or connected to a university. We’d like to cover all world regions too.

If something comes to mind, we’re looking for around 200 words per bookshop, detailing why this place is a must-see. Our editorial team can then find suitable photos and links to accompany the piece, though you’re welcome to supply these too. We only ask that you focus on just one city or region, and two or three bookshops within it.

Email us now if you’d like to contribute: 


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Posted In: Bookshop Guides | Europe and Neighbourhoods


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