The Information Systems department have started using Moodle on one postgraduate course and already have some feedback for us.

The following are paraphrased from the original e-mails:

  • One of the most tedious things about Moodle (as it is with WebCT) is the stage of uploading files before you can do anything. In place editing or at least drag and drop upload is strongly desired (using something like WebDav).
  • By default there is a 2Mb upload limit on all files. CLT have altered the PHP configuration to allow 8Mb, but this seems to be the upper limit imposed by Moodle. This is okay for individual files, but a serious limitation if uploading a Zip file containing multiple files. This however needs testing.
  • When you modify an item there is an accept changes button but no abandon changes button.
  • You can copy but not paste using keyboard shortcuts in Mozilla/Firefox and you can copy an paste in IE. Interestingly in Netscape 8 when you use dispay as firefox it behaves like firefox, but when you choose display like IE you can neither copy nor paste!!
  • When you modify an item in any way or add a resource or … when you return to the front page you are returned to the top of the page, not where you were, so you have to scroll back down again each time. Really tedious if you are working down week by week.
  • The System knows week numbers, they appear when you edit a resource for a week, but does not display them. To show them i had to enter them manually.
  • On a more positive note – the system Design students could try to write enhancements for Moodle next year if we stick with it. So we can look at that then and see if there is anything on a wish list they could get stuck into.

That’s all so far and thanks to Mike Cushman for these.
