I’m just back from the Association of Graduate Careers Advisory Services (AGCAS) Biennial conference, where I presented a session with Kezia Richmond, the LSE Careers Information Manager, titled “Blog it, tag it, share it: learn the language of the Google generation”. It seemed to be very well received judging from the immediate feedback we were given.

We covered RSS, blogs, podcasting & social bookmarking and showcased the Careers Service’s social software projects:

*Strictly speaking audio recordings rather than podcasts! You can download our handout and see a list of sites we highlighted in our talk.

If you are interested in finding out more about social software then look out for the social software sessions on the LSE upcoming training courses page. The CLT are particularly interested in further exploring how social software might be used in teaching and learning, so if this is something that interests you too then please get in touch: clt-support@lse.ac.uk