Catriona Riddell is the Director of Catriona Riddell & Associates Ltd and former Director of Planning of the South East England Partnership Board. She has extensive experience on strategic planning and has been developing strategic planning guidance and advocating for stronger collaboration between councils to fill the strategic planning void. I first met Catriona in 2016, working on LSE’s Green Belt project in which she shared her views on how to think of the Metropolitan Green Belt strategically, with a South East/London city region growth perspective.
In this episode we talked about the Localism Act of 2011 and its consequences for Local Governments, cooperation between local authorities and duty to cooperate, and new ways of thinking strategic planning through building blocks.
The episode explores strategic planning opportunities such as the London Stansted Cambridge Corridor and Thames Estuary. We also delve into the notion of good growth, moving away from standard measures, and the role of strategic planning in achieving it.