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December 3rd, 2012

When Your Wallet Is Stolen: Stay Calm and Eat Cake


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes


December 3rd, 2012

When Your Wallet Is Stolen: Stay Calm and Eat Cake


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

“The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry” – Ken Burns, To a Mouse

…or the best laid plans of Courtney.

Life never goes according to plan. After a day devoted to studying at the British Library, I hopped on the Tube and headed for home. With the library being 20 minutes away by Tube from my accommodation, I settled myself into a comfy seat on the Piccadilly Tube Train and read while I waited to transfer to the Bakerloo Line. I envisioned my evening as a calm night spent in my room. After my transfer stop was announced, I picked up all of my belongings, minded the gap, and bordered the next train. The train was so crowded, I felt as if I would suffocate but I assured myself that I would be home soon and I grabbed the rail to hold on. Much to my surprise, when I reached up to grab a hold, I felt a vacant space in my pocket where my wallet once lived. Completely frenzied, I clawed at my tote bag, praying that I had only misplaced it. After realizing that it was nowhere to be found, I leapt from the train as soon as it stopped and frantically retraced my steps but to no avail. Eventually, I flagged down the Tube Police hoping that I could find closure and be presented with my wallet that a good Samaritan had turned in but I had expected too much. They were incredibly helpful, very comforting, and retrieved all of the phone numbers I would need to cancel my debit cards. As I made my way home, thankful that I had both my LSE ID and my Oyster Card in another pocket, I realized that some lessons are learned the hard way. I probably should have been more vigilant or maybe it was inevitable, either way, I realized that even though it was devastating to have had my wallet stolen, it was a learning experience that I cannot fully dismiss. I am hoping that it will turn up but understand that it is unlikely. When I reached my accommodation and sorted out the details of replacing my key, I made my way down to the cafeteria and medicated my sorrows with lots of cake.

What to do if your wallet is stolen:

1) Stay Calm

2) Go to the nearest police station and report the crime. If it occurs in a Tube Station, approach an officer and ask for assistance.

3) Try to remember as many details as possible so that a thorough investigation can be made

4) Try to remember the contents of your wallet

5) Cancel all debit/credit cards

6) Report any other materials as stolen to the proper institutions, ie: Report a stolen US Driver’s License to the appropriate DMV service, etc.

7) Pray it turns up and medicate your sorrows with cake!

There are several ways to report a crime which include: in person, by phone or even online, depending on the crime. Remember that the non emergency number to contact the police is 101 and the emergency number is 999. I hope that this does not happen to you but if it does, I especially hope that you will know what to do.

About the author


MSc Empires, Colonialism and Globalisation

Posted In: Off Campus


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