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Sofia Gerace

November 16th, 2021

How I Ended Up Studying Political Economy of Europe

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Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

Sofia Gerace

November 16th, 2021

How I Ended Up Studying Political Economy of Europe

0 comments | 2 shares

Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

When I started my academic journey three years ago, I had no idea I would have ended up studying a master’s degree at the London School of Economics and Political Science. Well, here I am, writing about how this adventure started.

Choosing a master’s programme was more difficult than expected. I was keen to learn everything about social sciences and international affairs. However, there were many programmes which suited my interests: choosing one was not easy.

If you are looking at the LSE’s website and struggling to decide on a specific master’s degree, below is some guidance based on my experience.

What modules did I enjoy the most during my undergraduate degree?

Asking myself this question helped me narrow down my choices. I took a Political Economy module in my final year of university, and it was one of the best decisions I made during my studies. I remember being genuinely happy when going to lectures and tutorials. This prompted me to have a look at the Political Economy course in the European Institute and to think about applying for a master’s in this field.

I asked for help from student ambassadors

For some departments, you can contact their specific student ambassadors to learn more about a programme (eg, Department of Management). I remember finding the contact of a student enrolled in the Political Economy of Europe programme. Long story short: she was Italian like me and we ended up having a phone call about what the master’s was like and what career prospects it offered. Student ambassadors are there to help and prospective students should definitely reach out to them.

I read the programme regulations

After much research in finding a master’s, I can say that not all the university websites are well organised. Fortunately, the programme regulations for master’s at LSE are easily accessible and each course has a detailed explanation of content and assessments. Explanations may be long, but it is worth it to have a look before making a final decision.

It is more common than you might think to be insecure about what master’s will help you find your place in this world. While some students are very confident about their path, many others have to navigate university websites for a while before finding the right programme.

Nevertheless, being patient and following my steps is already a good start.

About the author

Sofia Gerace

I'm Sofia, an italian student at the LSE. Apart from being passionate about my MSc in Political Economy of Europe, I enjoy learning foreign languages, visiting new countries, and writing stories about my life as international student.

Posted In: Applying: Masters | Study: Masters

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