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May 30th, 2022

Sustainability at LSE


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes


May 30th, 2022

Sustainability at LSE


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

LSE is committed to become more sustainable and already has many measures in place to not only enact sustainability strategies for a better environment but also to encourage sustainability. This blog will identify some of the small but very effective ways in which LSE is moving to become a more #SustainableLSE.

Paper cups

A small yet very effective change that all cafés and restaurants should aim to make is to swap plastic takeaway cups with both recycled and recyclable paper cups. But LSE does not stop here. LSE’s catering spots also charge 25p on both single-use paper cups and plastic water bottles.

As an incentive, LSE cafés offer KeepCups at a 50% discount from their RRP for all LSE students to encourage reuse of non-single use cups. I recommend you make use of this discount so that you can contribute to LSE’s sustainability as a whole.

Stainless steel cutlery

I have personally noticed something whenever I eat at an LSE catering spot; the catering staff encourage the use of stainless steel cutlery and give ceramic plates. I have barely been served with paper cups, cutlery or plates by the catering staff.

This contributes to sustainability because the catering staff can reuse the steel cutlery and ceramic plates and therefore minimise waste.

Free water bottle refills

Roughly opposite the main entrance of the LSESU building is a water bottle fountain. It is a very convenient location which I always make use of. By using a reusable water bottle, I can drink more water for free by refilling the same bottle, rather than going to a shop to buy water (which will likely be a single-use plastic water bottle).

The motive behind installing this water bottle fountain was to raise awareness of the worldwide impact of plastic waste on oceans and to encourage the use of refillable cups and bottles (in an effort to discourage single-use cups and bottles).


Located around campus are, of course, bins. But they are no ordinary bins; LSE’s bins are coloured and labelled so that students can identify what type of waste should go in which bin. These include non-recyclable bins, food waste bins, paper recycling bins, and dry mixed recycling bins.

LSE even has recycling locations around campus so that students can dispose of batteries, books and clothes safely. Be sure to throw your waste in the correct bin so that you can contribute to the recycling effort.


LSE actively aims to decrease carbon emissions caused by travel. Walking and cycling are encouraged all the time. For example, on campus, you will see posters near lifts encouraging the use of stairs rather than the lift. There are also some Santander bike hire stops which are very cheap and are located in convenient campus locations. One of these includes the stop outside the New Academic Building (NAB).

Also, outside the Student Union’s bar Three Tuns and the Fawcett/Pankhurst House buildings are some cycle racks if you wish to cycle to campus with your own bike and have somewhere to lock it safely.

LSE also encourages the use of the underground rather than travel via a car or taxi. Since underground trains are always in operation and many people use it, it is better to hop on the train rather than drive a car (which can only accommodate a handful of people, and is only transporting that handful of people).

About the author


My name is Ibrahim. I am a 3rd-Year Law student. Law is interesting thank to its everchanging, complex and universal nature. I chose LSE to challenge and develop myself in a thriving and different environment to one I was used to in the past, and I am glad I did. I decided to take up blogging this year, something I have done twice so far as part of my volunteering. I aim to write blogs that are unique from the rest.

Posted In: LSE

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