Adam Roberts/ Bryan Roberts/ Emily Thomas
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Born of science fiction, thinking about time travel has allowed us to visit possible and lost worlds, and rediscover the past through modern eyes. It also raises big puzzles: If you travelled back in time and killed your grandfather when he was a young man, would you still exist? Would changing the past mean you returned to a different present? What about travelling to the future? Two philosophers and a science fiction writer discuss time travel, and how thinking and writing about it has changed science and philosophy.
Adam Roberts, Professor of Nineteenth Century Literature, Royal Holloway, University of London
Bryan W. Roberts, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, LSE
Emily Thomas, Lecturer in Philosophy, Durham University
Clare Moriarty, Fellow, The Forum; Doctoral Researcher, King’s College London
Recorded on 5 December 2017
Wolfson Theatre, LSE
I don’t think that time travel is possible.
For time travel to be possible, all the past, and present, and future should exist somewhere in material (physical / tangible) form.
This means that the state of earth 5 seconds ago should be existing somewhere in material form. This also means that the state of earth 15 minutes into the future should also exist somewhere in material form.
If we assume the least count of 1 second, then given the age of earth as 4.543 billion years, there should exist 143 quadrillion (past) earths somewhere in material form.
But there is no evidence that another earth exists somewhere in material form, forget about 143 quadrillion earths existing simultaneously.
Same goes for future, if earth will remain around for another 4.543 billion years, then there should exist 143 quadrillion (future) earths somewhere in material form but there is no proof of this also.
Same theory can be applied to universe and it can be said that quadrillion of past/future universes should be existing somewhere in material form but there is no proof of that.
One theory is that when you start time travel then “that earth” to which you are time traveling to will come into existence but there is no proof of this.
So, I think that time travel is not possible.
Time travel is possible according to the multiverse theory and it was demonstrated that it is possible in both directions to the future and to the past, concerning it, the time is a stable dimension as the 3d.
A problem in the modern World is a time traveller and what it means for goverments, meanwhile they want to cover and sometimes destroy their identities. In a real World there is no acceptance from the society of time travellers, this concept is refused from most of the goverments of the World in 2022.
The granfather paradox is solved easly considering that the time traveller is coming from ” another universe ” than it has another origin, that means that you can kill your granfather and nothing will happen to the time traveller because the law cause effect will be refused and a new auto configuration of the events will occur. The travel to the past thanking to a no linear operation will not permit to the time traveller to come back to his origin, instead the time travel to the future is a no stable operation and the traveller will go back to his origin.
I’ve met many time travellers in person 2010, 2016, 2018 and 2020 (same one as 2018 but from about 2030)
I also time travelled in 2008 and 2020. Both times I was in a black car that looked roughly like a Dodge Charger but the front interior had blue lights I think and fancy buttons.
In hundreds of my memories I was tortured by time travelling gangsters whore connected to mental hospitals in Glasgow at least in 2020 and in the future.
In the memory of my 2008 time travel my intestines were tortured relentlessly but eventually I created a paradox even though I still experienced all the pain like it was yesterday at the hands of The Mad Doctor
Thanks from your message Andrew. it seems that your message content has poor technology/technical details and it seems more a cryptic suprematist message from a grey occultist man (I’m sorry for the bad opinion on it). I explain here the reasons: for sure you cannot play and make theater on time travel serious matters, since nobady in the World can make time travel without be seen from NSA big eye. Secondly I’m pretty surprised that you had an experience with mad doctors, I can affirm that from a point of view I had support of the best medical equipe to keep safe and healthy my life and I’m very happy for all their work that helps in the personal human grow, so it’s strange your message. Ah please don’t forget my dear friend that if you don’t take proper pills within 6/24 hours after a travel like that the nature will rebel against you attacking limbic brain human system and than you will be ko in few hours, so how can you avoid a good doctor, impossible. So I believe that you are a bit confused, I can understand of course, you met a mad doctor, but if you want to surprise me you can invite me to see your dodge special car without occultism my dear grey man, I’m tolerant, don’t worry. In my experience with reference the time machine to go to the past the exhisting combination between Gran Sasso and Cern and electric door in the neck was perfect at that time to generate h00 level 0 universal controller, the wave generated close to my body were strong enought to connect a math model of 2 banach spaces with norm 3 and 4 related to human body (liquid and solid part in one unit with their time relations) like a ortonormal space with his relation with his norm and the no linear operation to connect 4/3 banach spaces (like the person in relation with his shadow for who is not easy to understand the meaning) with the external machine not managed from me. I can provide more physic math details on that but I believe that architect doesn’t like it in this way. believe that level 0 were surpassed unprecedently from superior level 1 universal controller relating to time space anomalities referring space control. I’m today really greatful to be part of a cyberspace with my brain grid network thanking to Internet with its hard and soft tasks) but I suggest to the architect next time to pay banana and establish an agreement with him to fix the starting points (means 19 years ago in my case) otherwise is covered shit illegal MK ultra therefore, as said, I can write from my experience everything, I respect the laws, also the architect as to respect the laws even a state personality in liberal democracy has to respect the laws otherwise is Nazism. Nevertheless I wish to my best friend NSA that know me very well and to the architect to enjoy the rest of the summer and wish you both a greatful autumn start. P.S. One dream explained is better that one nightmare with ref. datagate 2013 not clarified, that is something that I can decide. (I’m sorry to NSA, I have respected the silence at that time but too many people speaking about something they didn’t know provoked a shit leak from a superficial social stupidity)… Enjoy:)
Demistificate time travels is important because they are possibile thanking to universal controllers and connection between universes according to the multiverse theory and not thanking to god or evil
I’m kindly suggesting to recognize that Fabiola Gianotti, CERN director is a political authority that she helps the intergovernative panel to cover the science supporting the discrimination of the cavies of the governments experiments
Let’s say time travel is possible. what would happen if you try to exercise the muscle that might give you a chance at like any other discipline. So slow down time So you live slightly in the past Then you can see the future practices and maybe your muscle memory will allow you to travel to the future by ebbing in to the true future
I want to reply you, that the status of the scientific and militar experiments with the intergovernative panel supported from CERN reported that, as far as I know, since 2006 human cavy has been used and abused from the intergovernative panel within the experimentation of LHC of a human slave without any civilian right. The person abused as cavy and slave without prior written consent of the above mentioned experiments is
an Italian citizen. I hope that justice will reveal all the actors and punish with guilty the involved people and representatives in this illegal and improper abuse of a person, like a tool not like a person.
From my opinion a democracy as state has to demonstrate that the justice is free to operate without covers and willing to recover is power and “the state of the rights”
I want to add in detail that this Italian person above mentioned received as mandatory to open a connection between universes throught a phisical singularity with target a capture of his theoratical antiparticle. This fact dated 22.11.2012 opened a new era in the discovering of the universe properties and phenomena analysis during the LHC activities: time space anomalities, space anomalities, time anomalities collecting data in his function as tool and observer till the end of the experiments up to July 2013, after his sacrifice somebody has decided to try to cancel him as cavy to collect his data and destroy his life, but now he has recovered 100% data ownership. The tremendous impact of IA to human body has at least to be respected in terms of ownership of data= data creator = data owner and privacy. Bye bye
see the pics of someone supposedly using a cell phone in the past,the real problem with this is no infrastucture to allow a cell phone to work. be like going back and expecting to be able to get gas for your car when none in the world
I can answer you that the laws has to be respected, a post-human has to be respected, if not you will be probably a loser if you will fight him. Society can try to cover with cybersecurity but you will be a loser when the cover will be removed from a post human that didn’t receive a proper consideration as explained above. The post human got his rights! Bye bye
I want to precise that, the Government of Switzerland tried to indimidate with regular military police guns on 25.11.12 the post human in peaceful conditions after the experiment dated on 22.11.12 and in the same day and following days, months they violated his privacy socially provoking NSA issues and to the post-human. Switzerland targets the following months were: violate, abuse, hacking and collect data with no respect of the human and civilian rights, try to cover and destroy my identity supporting the discrimination with tentatives of additional violation and attack to the human integrity.
Finally in general no respect of the honor code in 2012/2013 due to privacy violation and manipulation from national security expecially in Switzerland, no respect from Switzerland state of the military experiments, no respect from Switzerland government of a mk-ultra cavy as post human, no respect of the data creator and his ownership (the post human) from private and pubblic cybersecurity as well, no respect of the laws in liberal democracy, no respect of the honors and meritocracy in a society, no respect of a civilian forced in a military service without any health insurance or official agreement…so I hope that justice will prosecute all the responsible authorities of this extreme discrimination giving rights to the data creator, (politically he has already got it.).
If not I believe that the related data that has been covered to create assets will be 100% destroyed and as far as I know it is a lot of money… I will see, maybe it’s the right moment to recognize directly something to me as post human mk ultra cavy and avoid a big money crash…
It seems that somebody in the name of the élite and research put in sacrifice a person with his full rights, without ask him if he was in agreement on that, put an implant chip rfid on the neck close to the nerve, without ask him anything (with no contract o)gain, or any clareance on that) than modify is body field and energy field according to specific phisic math rules with CERN that the cavy was developing. Nice dishuman abuse of a human, than rubbish is banana and than trick him everybody like a game. Good lesson to the architect! Well done! Congrat! in rush! Happy justice every day for the next 40 years!!!
I suggest to the architect to negotiate his guilty and remove Fabiola Gianotti today as cern director, 2 simple things for a better World!! Enjoy the weekend 😉
I can remember one of my best friend at that time Mr. Andrea Del Mastro that he showed me a business card as istitutional consilieur of CSM, at that time he appeared in my live between may and august 2008.
He visited me several times and he was suggesting to believe in myself and write everything in a certain moment as story. I wish him good luck and big thank you to him for the suggestments.
P.S. to the architect: banana should be not stolen but should be paid, otherwise everything can happen!! Enjoy the summer architect!
I love american films, than I have suggested a plot to some hollywoodian authors and regists of social and sience fiction. A big thank you to the co-author Andrew with his important contribute of the writing of this plot-draft in order to promote the social responsability in general, enjoy:)
Somebody today was asking me if this story is a true story or not. I cannot answer to this question, I like the true but…. grey is better sometimes than always black or white…….. The End…Enjoy:)
To answer on specific request, I would mention that my Mk ultra has been provoked from deviated secret service in Nov. 2004, than armed slave (chip host) since 2006 with their aim, it seems, of removal of state sovranity in Western World yr/yr l, with anarchy (well dressed) promotion. I will request to my colleagues at the central office for further investigations to establish and fix all the responsibilities of this 100% anarchist beaviour on it since the fact that put in slave conditions is illegal since around 1950 year.
I have seen data corruption during the sending of my previous message 8th Nov. After yr/yr , I , should not be there.
That’s normal in my life IT entities trying to manipulate data and as result data corruption. It’s loved from many anarchist associations and sometimes also from national securities…….
According to an evaluation period of months , I can affirm no trust to central office, due to tentative of phishing with social Engineering.
Stop illegal clandestine and brutal mk ultra program, nobody doesn’t want to hear on it anymore.
What is the final scope of my messages, don’t play between ethic of person and ethic of personality otherwise instant crash can appear and maybe somebody will be convinced of something wrong. That’s my philosophy, stop.
Regarding the time travels I think they are not possible I don’t know anybody that did it. Also mk ultra program is something that has been cancelled many years ago I think.. and I think that put in slave conditions or mk ultra or similar is nothing that is happened to me really
Mentioning Shakespeare.. be or not be what is the best case for the real Edward Snowden? The carnival mask above is gone? Edward Snowden is the virtual image that has been generated and managed from anarchist élites and hackers to push down NSA in 2013, from my modest view, in favour of a multipolar World in the name of their data ownership related to the experimental cavy fighting him) but the experimental cavy has already won.. Far West story.. Who has the control of this data today? I have my view…