Kristin Andrews/ Sarah Brosnan/ Susana Monsó
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Do non-human animals have morals? Can chimpanzees tell right from wrong? Do dolphins think about what they ought to do? And can a dog really be good? Recent scientific work can shed light on these issues, but they also take us to the heart of two great philosophical questions: what does it mean to be moral and what (if anything) makes humans unique?
Kristin Andrews
York Research Chair in Animal Minds, York University, Canada
Sarah Brosnan
Distinguished University Professor of Psychology, Philosophy and Neuroscience, Georgia State University
Susana Monsó
Lise Meitner Fellow, Messerli Research Institute, Vienna
Jonathan Birch
Fellow, Forum for Philosophy & Associate Professor of Philosophy, LSE
Co-sponsored by the British Society for the Philosophy of Science
Recorded on 17 May 2021
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