Are we heading for a softer Brexit after the Conservatives’ electoral setback? Piers Ludlow (LSE) doubts it. There is little to suggest voters were warning Theresa May off a hard Brexit. The Cabinet reshuffle is unlikely to tip the balance, and even if she returns from Brussels with a softer deal it is far from clear that Labour would back it.
Holding a general election just over a week before the Brexit negotiations were due to begin was always a slightly strange and risky idea. It now looks laughably unwise. But while the personal rebuff to Theresa May and the damage to her standing is very clear, what is far less evident is what, if anything, this electoral outcome changes as far as Brexit is concerned.
There are three main scenarios in which Britain’s difficult and possibly acrimonious divorce from the EU could take a different course. All three remain possible, but none are certain and evidence for two of them is pretty thin. It is nonetheless worth looking at each in detail.
The first and most positive scenario – from a Remain perspective – but also the most unlikely, in my view, is that the election setback might be seen as a public repudiation of the hard Brexit approach. As such, it would be interpreted by May (or any potential Tory successor) and by the Conservative Party more broadly as a warning shot across the government’s bows. It would serve as a reminder that there may have been a narrow majority for Leave but there was little evidence of a majority for a hard Brexit.
Sadly, I’m not sure the election can be convincingly read in this fashion, despite a few pieces of evidence that could be spun towards such a conclusion. And I’m even more certain that it is not being read in this way by those who are likely to matter most – namely May, her party and those who support her.
Superficially, it would be tempting to believe this interpretation. May called the poll, after all, in order to increase her majority and to gain a convincing mandate for the confrontational and presidential manner in which she planned to approach the Brexit talks. She did not get such a mandate. On the contrary, she was humiliated at the polls and her personal authority has been greatly diminished. Ergo, it might appear, her Brexit policy was also decisively rejected.
Yet I don’t see much evidence that Brexit was the main reason why voters deserted May. Rather, the Tories failed to enthuse and mobilise their support as much as they had hoped and expected (although May still received more votes than Cameron in 2015, it is worth recalling), and, more importantly, they failed to prevent Jeremy Corbyn from enthusing the Labour ranks and winning over the young in particular with his vision of a fairer, higher-tax and higher spending Britain. But little of this had much to do with the EU. On that, both main parties were hopelessly vague. May talked about Brexit incessantly, but said next to nothing substantial, other than trying to persuade voters that she was the negotiator that Britain needed and that Corbyn was totally unsuited to the role. Corbyn, by contrast, avoided the subject almost entirely. Instead the Tories were put on the defensive over social policies, where their offerings were perceived as mean-spirited and uncertain (the dementia tax debacle), whereas Labour’s offered a more optimistic vision. The only tangentially Brexit-related factor that really seems to have mattered is that May’s poor campaign entirely destroyed any claim she had to be the strong and credible leader which Britain needed as the Brussels talks began.
Corbyn, by contrast, substantially outperformed the very low expectations which many had of him when the campaign began, and did not fall victim to the attack dossier about his colourful and politically questionable past. But even this personal authority issue, while often discussed in relation to Brexit, was as much about the way in which the two party leaders would run the country and act on the international stage more generally, rather than related to the way they would handle the EU27. Europe has rarely been the most salient issue in voters’ minds in British general elections, and 2017, despite the Brexit election tag which is was sometimes given, does not strike me as different.
In short, the result was not the personal endorsement May had hoped for. But it is hard to see it as being a clear-cut message about Europe – and it is not being interpreted as such in government, in the Conservative Party or in the media. Most of them are still locked into a mindset based upon entirely unrealistic expectations about the relative strengths of Britain and the EU, and therefore view the approaching negotiations as the moment when a triumphant Britain turns the tables on its continental neighbours (who are on the road to disaster anyway) – and secures either a highly beneficial deal, or a clean break which will open up countless mouthwatering prospects. The election outcome has not really dented such hopes – all it has done is open up greater doubts than before over whether May is the right person to be allowed to lead Britain’s negotiating troops into this glorious anticipated victory.
The second possible scenario in which the general election might affect the Brexit negotiations would be if it altered May’s own stance, the team that surrounds her, and the balance around the cabinet table. Here there are a few encouraging signs. The Prime Minister herself, if she retains her job, will almost certainly have to behave in a less aloof manner. This could make her a little more receptive to realistic advice about the balance of power in the Brussels negotiations, although whether there are enough such voices within Whitehall or Westminster any longer must be open to doubt. Nick Timothy and Fiona Hill’s departures may also help, particularly if some of their role may now be taken by Damian Green. And Philip Hammond’s survival as Chancellor means that there will be a constant cabinet-level reminder of the economic risks that a hard Brexit deal would entail.
More generally, a weaker PM will be less able to go on riding personal hobby horses. Her refusal to exclude foreign students from the immigration numbers may now be dropped. But such is the balance within the Cabinet that I don’t necessarily see a move towards more collective decision-making as helping the soft Brexit cause. Michael Gove’s return, for instance will ensure a highly articulate and forceful voice in favour of the type of hard Brexit which David Davis, Liam Fox and Boris Johnson support. A weaker PM more dependent on Cabinet backing might actually be worse for those hoping for a soft Brexit.
The third optimistic scenario (from a Remain perspective) is that the new Parliamentary arithmetic will oblige May to take a more cautious approach to the negotiations. This strikes me as the most plausible of the three. After all, the DUP line on Brexit is encouragingly soft. Similarly the newly elected Scottish Tories may boost the dwindling ranks of those within the Conservative Party prepared to take a less than Europhobic line. And it is not beyond the bounds of possibility that May might be tempted to do a deal in Brussels which would be rejected by the Eurosceptic ultras within her own party, but which might be able to secure support from the Labour Party and even the SNP. As a minority government, May will have to look beyond her own party in order to secure the parliamentary backing for any deal done, and in doing so she could, if she chose, seek to build a basis for support that isolated the hardliners in her own ranks by obtaining support from across the floor.
Nonetheless, this may be over-optimistic. How many of her own party could a diminished May persuade to back a soft Brexit deal, especially one dependent on opposition votes? The depth of anti-European sentiment within the Conservative Party, especially at its grassroots, is such that any MP who took this course would be in danger of incurring lasting resentment from the party organisation, the activists and their constituency – to say nothing of many of their colleagues. And they would be rallying around a PM who is unlikely to be leading the party at the next election. It is thus a risk that only the genuine pro-Europeans within the party – of whom relatively few remain – are likely to take. Nor does it seem likely to me that Labour will necessarily extend a helping hand to May. Labour’s position on Brexit is still pretty opaque, but is probably somewhat ‘softer’ than that of most of the Conservative Party. But whether their convictions on the matter are strong enough to persuade them to vote with May rather than seize an opportunity to defeat the government and thereby potentially precipitate its fall is another matter entirely. I have my doubts.
I struggle to read the electoral outcome in a very optimistic fashion. It is a setback for May and for the Conservatives. It will almost certainly lead to a weaker and more unstable government. And it is likely to prolong indefinitely Corbyn’s position as the leader of the opposition. But evidence it will change the manner of Brexit is hard to discern. I’d love to be proved wrong; but I have a feeling that I won’t be.
This post represents the views of the author and not those of the Brexit blog, nor the LSE.
Philip Hammond’s survival as Chancellor means that there will be a constant cabinet-level reminder of the economic risks that a hard Brexit deal would entail.
Yes, and don’t forget the state of the public finances:
1. What else explains their Manifesto own goal in mainly punishing their own supporters with social care ‘reform’, abandoning the triple lock, and means-testing Winter Fuel Allowance?
2. The ‘cash for votes’ arrangement with the DUP, say, £500m-1,000m
3. Possiblity the ban on Orangemen marching through Catholic areas will be overruled.
4. If so, risk of escalating violence and increasing support for ‘dissident’ republicans …
5. … (cost £1billion+)
The Conservative Party for decades has been split on the EU. While the Pro EU wing may welcome a ‘soft’ Brexit this will be vehemently opposed by the ultra-eurosceptics.So, even with the DUP 10 on board, how can HMG be confident that whatever aspects they agree with Barnier will find favour with their MPs?
Therefore, it seems to me that a causus will be formed out of Conservative, Green, Labour, LibDems, & SNP MPs agreed on an approach to Brexit.
Alternatively, we might save ourselves a lot of trouble by revoking Art 50. So rather than being against the clock we can then work out the various Leave options and decide which, if any, we wish to adopt.
Having followed the British press on Brexit for the last year gives me the feeling that this article is perhaps very right:
If “soft Brexit = minimum damage but loss of political influence for Britain in the EU” and “hard Brexit = maximum economic damage at minimum political transaction cost”, then I am afraid that a soft Brexit could turn out as a compromise that no party will ultimately be happy with.
Moreover, there might be a danger that a “soft Brexit” would function figuratively as some sort of “Treaty of Versailles”: Negotiations might fix an armistice for the time being, but new problems might keep brewing underneath the surface, such that the division within Britain and between Britain and the EU would only be deepened and prolonged.
Therefore, given the fact that the British population seems to be so divided over Brexit, it might be better to prepare for a Hard Brexit under as much control as possible, perhaps with a long transition period such that firms can try to adjust and prepare, than to put all hopes on some softer version of Brexit.
In addition, such a harsh approach to Brexit might reduce the time until a new generation in Britain will seek EU membership again – and then forever.
The article is probably fairly accurate as far as the present situation is concerned. The basic problem is that most British and especially English people are complacent, ignorant and indifferent where the EU, Europe and the outside world in general are concerned. The election campaign and result confirm this. However, it may change if Brexit starts to bring really bad economic news. It appears that Theresa May wanted a big majority to carry her through such a difficult period. She hoped that she would be able to organize a recovery by 2022 and be rewarded for it.
The fact that the Tories have lost their majority makes it more likely that bad economic news, the usual decline in support for a sitting government, by-elections and a probable further general election before March 2019 can still bring a change of direction.
There is no “soft” or “hard” Brexit. We voted to leave the EU and that does not mean leave a bit or stay in a bit, so that we can stay in the customs union. If the Commission decides to “cut their nose off to spite their face” by ensuring we must be made an example of for daring to leave the EU, so what?
Perhaps the agreement with the DUP will bring a bit of Ian Paisley no surrender resolve to the Brexit negotiations. No back tracking on Brexit. To be clear out of the EU, the single market and the Customs Union.
More useful to those of us who hope this whole exercise in wishful thinking and jingoism can be brought to a halt would be an analysis of the key levers of influence in terms of effecting a change of direction before it is too late. Simply listing scenarios that might happen, while doubtless satisfying to the author, and however well argued, offers nothing by way of practical remedy, which is what we need most.