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Sara Jones

January 6th, 2017

Introducing: Careers breakfasts and how to make the most of them

1 comment

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Sara Jones

January 6th, 2017

Introducing: Careers breakfasts and how to make the most of them

1 comment

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

What are they?

Our Friday breakfasts are themed, informal employer networking events in the Weston Café on the sixth floor of the Saw Swee Hock Student Centre. They provide a great opportunity to find out more about a particular sector or to meet employers who are looking to hire students with a specific skill-set.

How are they different to other employer events on campus?

  • smaller in size than our flagship Careers Fairs
  • themed around a topic of interest or sector
  • consist of up to four organisations each week to provide a breadth of insight
  • provide a platform for informal networking (no audio visual or formal structure to increase and encourage conversations)
  • representatives reflect a range of seniority levels and often include LSE alum

How can you make the most out of them?

Check which employers are attending in advance

We advertise employer profiles on LSE CareerHub so that you can prepare what information you want to find out that is not readily available on the employer’s website. This doesn’t mean spending hours researching each organisation in advance. Instead, make sure you’re familiar with the organisations attending so that you can take advantage of the valuable face time you have with each representative on the day.

Be ready to network

On arrival, once you have helped yourself to tea, coffee and pastries, you need to be prepared to strike up conversation with employers and fellow students. Check out our blogs on the networking along with a how to network guide for more detail and advice!

Follow up

Given that breakfasts are focused around a particular theme or sector, they present a great opportunity to build your professional network in your chosen area of interest. After the breakfast, don’t forget to follow up on your conversations. You can do this directly if you received a business card or via LinkedIn (make sure your profile is up to date). You can also speak to the employer engagement advisor running the breakfast as you sign in who will be able to put you in contact with the employers present.

How do you book?

In the same way as all LSE Careers events, via LSE CareerHub. Our breakfast events are very popular so please ensure you have booked in advance. If you don’t managed to book in advance please do come to the Weston Café on the day, we can usually let you in after a short wait.

We hope to welcome you to a breakfast soon!


About the author

Sara Jones

Posted In: LSE Careers


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