It’s Mental Health Awareness Week, so we asked LSE Careers’s staff to share how they manage their mental wellbeing in the workplace! Here’s what they said…
- Manage the energy around you. “What works for me is surrounding myself with colleagues that I enjoy being around because their energy really lifts my spirits and motivation. Scheduling a coffee or lunch with one of them during the work day is definitely something to look forward to.”
- Exercise every day. “Even if it’s just a walk. If on campus, take a break and do a couple of laps of Lincoln’s Inn Fields. Breathe in that fresh air. If at home, why not try a new 30 min workout at lunch/during a break? E.g. Yoga with Adrienne on YouTube. It’s simple stuff. Block out the time and just do it!”
- Don’t forget to take breaks! “Get fresh air and try not to have too many zoom meetings in a day – it’s exhausting.”
- Be kind to yourself. “It’s important to appreciate that in a hybrid working world some things will take more time to complete so be realistic when setting yourself objectives.”
- Make sleep a priority. “As someone who has experienced insomnia on and off over many years I have found putting my phone well out of reach (in another room) when I go to bed has made a difference. It’s encouraged me to read more, and reduced the urge to stay ‘switched on’!”
- Find what works for you. “(i.e. make it a priority to find it!) Don’t assume what works for someone else or what worked for you in the past will work now.”
- Connect with colleagues. “If you think ‘I’ve not spoken to X for ages’, take five minutes to write an email, send a message, or leave a note, just to check in. A hello is just as important as that next email.”
- Enjoy the little things. “Grab a coffee and drink it away from the screen in the fresh air – whether that’s somewhere on campus, your garden or balcony. Taking the time to remember there’s a world outside your screen is so important.”
Enjoyed this post? You can find out more about Mental Health Awareness Week across LSE on the “Summer Term? You’ve got this” webpage.