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Cecily Sheppard

May 9th, 2022

Top tips for looking after your mental health in the workplace

1 comment | 1 shares

Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

Cecily Sheppard

May 9th, 2022

Top tips for looking after your mental health in the workplace

1 comment | 1 shares

Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

It’s Mental Health Awareness Week, so we asked LSE Careers’s staff to share how they manage their mental wellbeing in the workplace! Here’s what they said…

  • Manage the energy around you. “What works for me is surrounding myself with colleagues that I enjoy being around because their energy really lifts my spirits and motivation. Scheduling a coffee or lunch with one of them during the work day is definitely something to look forward to.”
  • Exercise every day. “Even if it’s just a walk. If on campus, take a break and do a couple of laps of Lincoln’s Inn Fields. Breathe in that fresh air. If at home, why not try a new 30 min workout at lunch/during a break? E.g. Yoga with Adrienne on YouTube. It’s simple stuff. Block out the time and just do it!”
  • Don’t forget to take breaks! “Get fresh air and try not to have too many zoom meetings in a day – it’s exhausting.”
  • Be kind to yourself. “It’s important to appreciate that in a hybrid working world some things will take more time to complete so be realistic when setting yourself objectives.”
  • Make sleep a priority. “As someone who has experienced insomnia on and off over many years I have found putting my phone well out of reach (in another room) when I go to bed has made a difference. It’s encouraged me to read more, and reduced the urge to stay ‘switched on’!”
  • Find what works for you. “(i.e. make it a priority to find it!) Don’t assume what works for someone else or what worked for you in the past will work now.”
  • Connect with colleagues. “If you think ‘I’ve not spoken to X for ages’, take five minutes to write an email, send a message, or leave a note, just to check in. A hello is just as important as that next email.”
  • Enjoy the little things. “Grab a coffee and drink it away from the screen in the fresh air – whether that’s somewhere on campus, your garden or balcony. Taking the time to remember there’s a world outside your screen is so important.”

Enjoyed this post? You can find out more about Mental Health Awareness Week across LSE on the “Summer Term? You’ve got this” webpage.


About the author

Cecily Sheppard

Cecily is the Marketing and Communications Manager for LSE Careers.

Posted In: Disability and support for disabled students | Featured | LSE Careers


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