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May 20th, 2022

Wellbeing and your career: Mental Health Awareness Week wrap up


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes


May 20th, 2022

Wellbeing and your career: Mental Health Awareness Week wrap up


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

Last week, LSE celebrated Mental Health Awareness Week with various sessions and activities for staff and students, providing an excellent opportunity to take a break from the stresses of Summer Term and reflect on the importance of maintaining our mental health throughout the year. 

At LSE Careers, we have been exploring a variety of topics around wellbeing and careers, from dealing with job anxiety and rejection to tips on looking after your mental health in the workplace.

Many students face anxiety about gaining work experience while at university or searching for a job when they graduate, which can often feel incredibly overwhelming. We created a quick top tip guide on dealing with job anxiety, focusing on the resources available at LSE Careers and showing students that perspective and reflection are key tools at their disposal.

Check out our new careers and wellbeing resources on TikTok and Instagram

We also looked at the feeling of competitiveness when job-hunting, as well as how to deal with rejection when applying for work. These are especially key topics at LSE, where many students are interested in industries that are difficult to break into. It’s important to remember that collaboration is an asset and that building a strong network with your peers can only help you in your future career.

Imposter syndrome is also very prevalent amongst high achievers, and on Thursday we heard from Kirsty and Edith, two of our fabulous Careers Consultants, on identifying it and dealing with it. Rachel also featured on our Instagram and TikTok, talking about how students interested in careers in mental health can get started.

As well as spotlighting these issues, the team at LSE Careers got involved in some of the many activities organised by LSE for students and staff, including air-dry clay pottery making, acupuncture, a mindful 3-K walk and playing with some adorable dogs in the SU.

For more information about LSE Careers, please refer to our website or go to CareerHub to access resources, opportunities and appointments with our Careers Consultants.

Please refer to the LSE Student Counselling Service if you want to book a counselling appointment or require more urgent mental health support.


About the author


Posted In: Applications | Career planning | Decision making | Disability and support for disabled students | LSE Careers | Networking

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