Current ID Student Ambassador, Harikeerthan Raghuram interviews 2018/19 ID Student Ambassador, Deepjyot Kaur, about her year at LSE and how what she learnt during this time has helped her in her current role as Associate at NITI Aayog, the policy think tank of the Government of India.
Below you have the option of watching the interview on YouTube or listening to it via Souncloud:
Watch the interview on YouTube:
Listen to the interview as a podcast:
This interview was conducted and edited by Dr. Harikeerthan Raghuram (LinkedIn). Hari is an MSc Health and International Development student at LSE, recipient of the Wellcome Award for the programme and a Student Ambassador. Trained as a medical doctor from Christian Medical College, Vellore, India, his interest is in mental health, LGBTQI+ health, political health economics, health equity, and participatory approaches in health system strengthening.
The views expressed in this post are those of the author and in no way reflect those of the International Development LSE blog or the London School of Economics and Political Science.