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Dipa Patel

March 20th, 2023

Meet our 2023 Student Ambassadors!

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Estimated reading time: 8 minutes

Dipa Patel

March 20th, 2023

Meet our 2023 Student Ambassadors!

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Estimated reading time: 8 minutes

Meet our new Student Ambassadors: Alice, Arkadeepra, Cheyenne, Denys, Giannina, Hasnabila, Isa, Katherine, Mara, Mia, Shachar, Shamayla and Shravani who will provide mentorship to incoming students for the new 2023/24 academic year. You can reach out to our Ambassadors via Our email account. To contact an Ambassador directly, please add the Ambassador’s name in the subject of the email:


Full name: Alice Storniolo

Programme: MSc International Development and Humanitarian Emergencies (Part-time)

Optional courses taken: DV462: Forced Migration and Refugees | DV424: International Institutions and Late Development

Home country: Italy, undergrad at SOAS and I lived in Vancouver, Canada for a year.

Social: Instagram: ali_storniolo

Favourite spot in London: Chinatown

Bio: Hi everyone! My name is Alice I grow up in Italy in between Rome, Milan and Bergamo. After that I finished high school in Vancouver, Canada where I lived for a year. Then I moved to London where I started by BA in International Relations at SOAS and I graduated last July. My research interest area is East Asia and in particular North Korea.

So far my experience at LSE has been great! It is a very demanding program but it also really helps you to broaden up your knowledge and interests. London and LSE’S multiculturalism is been my favourite thing so far as you are able to meet people from all over the world at here!

When I’m not studying I like to go out with friends to try new food or go to the cinema. I also love to travel and I’m planning a trip to South Korea this summer.


Full nameArkadeepra Purkayastha

Programme: MSc Development Studies (full-time)

Optional courses taken: DV428: Managing humanitarianism | DV464: Democracy and Development | GI420: Globalisation and Its Discontents: Feminist Perspectives | DV454: Gender, labour markets and social change in the Global South: theory, evidence, public action

Home country: India

Social: Instagram: @arkadeeprow | LinkedIn

Favourite spot in London: I love taking a walk along Tower Bridge on a sunny day –– looking at loved ones embracing each other and photographing cherished moments always reminds me of home. A close second would be Brick Lane, because, in every nook and corner, I can hear someone speak my mother tongue, Bengali.

Bio: Before pursuing the MSc Development Studies programme at the LSE, I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Sociology from my home country. After graduating, I worked with academics in the field on projects concerning the sexual harassment of women in the workplace, child and human trafficking in India, community-based prostitution, and the economic vulnerability of India’s queer community. My broad research interest lies in the informal economy of South Asia and the gendered implications of its feminization.

Besides my academic engagements this year, the main highlight of my LSE ID journey has been my association with the department’s student organizing committee, DESTIN. I had the opportunity to organize documentary screenings, Thanksgiving potlucks, student-faculty interactive sessions, and movie nights, which brought the entire department together outside of class hours.

On days when I’m not sitting in the ID common room with a Pret coffee and 20 tabs open on my laptop, you can find me serving tables at All Bar One. On sunny days and rainy days alike, you can always come to me for new café suggestions in the city. Or simply for a warm beverage and a hug!


Full name: Cheyenne l’Auclair

Programme: MSc Development Studies

Optional courses taken: DV480: Revolution and Development | DV462: Forced Migration and Refugees | GY474: Politics of Environment and Development | LL4AX: Selected Topics in International Human Rights Law

Home country: United States

Scholarship: Alumni and Friends of the LSE in the US (AFLSE)

Social: LinkedIn

Favourite spot in London: Regent’s Park

Bio: Hello! I’m Cheyenne and I’m in the Development Studies programme. I graduated in 2019 with a Bachelor’s degree from the Ohio State University, where I double majored in International Studies and Arabic. I worked full-time as a U.S. government analyst prior to beginning my studies at LSE, and I have prior experience interning at humanitarian NGOs, think tanks, and regional studies centers. I was lucky to receive the AFLSE scholarship to attend LSE.

I chose this programme due to its interdisciplinary nature, excellent professors, and opportunity for independent research through the dissertation. I am interested in studying development challenges and the protection of international human rights in protracted conflict, with a focus on the Middle East. Thanks to the variety of courses and professors here, I’ve been able to tailor my studies well. Alongside my studies, I’m interning part-time for UNICEF.

I’ve really enjoyed engaging with all of the different departments and events that LSE and London have to offer. I spend my free time exploring London’s museums, cafes, and parks. I’m more than happy to speak with prospective students about the programme and life in London. Please feel free to reach out!


Full name: Denys Yeromenko

Programme: MSc Development Management (Specialism in Applied Development Economics)

Optional courses taken: DV490: Economic Development Policy I: Applied Policy Analysis for Macroeconomic Development | DV491: Economic Development Policy II: Microeconomic Analysis | DV456: Population, Health and Development: Evidence and Projections

Home country: Ukraine

Scholarship: LSE Access to Education Scholarship

Social: LinkedIn

Favourite spot in London: Greenwich

Bio: I come from Ukraine but I lived, studied and worked for some time in such places as Switzerland, France, Russia, Poland and of course the UK. Overall, I’ve visited over 25 countries so far and hope to continue exploring the world. I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in international relations in 2021 and have work experience as an IT strategy consultant at PwC and as a cash-based interventions specialist within the Ukraine Emergency Response at the International Organization for Migration.

For my master’s degree, I was searching for a program focused on economic development and quantitative analysis of development interventions. MSc Development Management fully met my expectations, and I feel I’ve gained a lot from the classes. Studies at LSE reinforced my passion in international development, gave me a better understanding of the institutional dimension of development and directed to the potential areas of interest for further work, such as impact evaluation and economic development policy consulting.

I am part o the Ukrainian Society, Swimming Club, Halls Life Events.

I will be happy to answer questions of prospective LSE ID students regarding my admission experience, financial support, campus life, study process and other things.


Full name: Giannina Chavez Ackermann

Programme: MSc Health and International Development

Optional courses taken: DV453: International Development Consultancy Project | DV457: Sexual and Reproductive Health Programmes: Design, Implementation and Evaluation | HP404: Global Health Policy: Institutions, Actors and Politics | HP405: Social Determinants of Health

Home country: Peru

Scholarship: Peruvian government scholarship (PRONABEC – Beca del Bicentenario)

Social: Instagram: | LinkedIn

Favourite spot in London: Hyde Park

Bio: Hi! My name is Giannina and I’m an anthropologist currently studying for my MSc in Health and International Development. I’m originally from Peru, and for the past few years, I’ve been working on research and development projects with indigenous populations from the Peruvian Amazonia. My work has mainly focused on sexual and reproductive health, including issues such as HIV, sexual violence, and maternal health.
Outside of work and study, I’m also a yoga teacher and an eternal student. I absolutely love movement and exercising, and I try to incorporate that into my daily routine as much as possible. I’m also completely in love with nature – especially long walks in the outdoors. Despite the cold weather, I’ve really enjoyed my time here in London, its diversity, big parks, and all the amazing things there are to see and do. And one of the best things about being here is the opportunity to travel to other cities in Europe – I’ve been making the most of my reading weeks to see as much as possible!


Full name: Hasnabila Candrakanti (Chacha)

Programme: MSc Development Management

Optional courses taken: DV407: Poverty | DV418: Environmental Problems and Development Interventions | DV443: Development Management Consultancy Project | DV483: Information Communication Technologies and Socio-Economic Development

Home country: Indonesia

Scholarship: Indonesian government scholarship (LPDP)

Social: Instagram: @chachahcw

Favourite spot in London: exploring the food scene in Shoreditch!

Bio: Hi everyone! My name is Chacha and I am from the Development Management program. I graduated in 2020 from a double degree program in Universitas Gadjah Mada in Indonesia and the University of Groningen in the Netherlands taking International Business. I worked for about 2 years in Procter & Gamble Operations Indonesia as a Delivery Engineer, where I also handled the capability program and the Equality & Inclusion program for the Jakarta Plant.

Development is a new career change for me from the private sector/business, and this program at the LSE was a great opportunity for me to build strong theoretical foundations and to also to explore the careers available out there. The great mix of people from various backgrounds in the DM cohort and great professors became a good learning landscape for me to explore what the development industry has to offer!

Outside of school work, I enjoy travelling and playing casual sports like badminton and basketball. I am also a big foodie and am always on the hunt for eclectic foods and great coffee in London!


Full nameIsa Astier-Ibrahim

Programme: MSc International Development and Humanitarian Emergencies

Optional courses taken: DV464 Democracy and Development | DV457 Sexual and Reproductive Health Programmes: Design, Implementation and Evaluation | DV462 Forced Migration and Refugees

Home country: United States

Favourite spot in London: Borough Market (my favourite food market in London!)

Bio: Hi! I’m Isa, I was born and raised in Boston, MA but my mom is French, and my dad is Egyptian. I speak French, some Italian, and am trying my best to refresh my memory in Arabic with Duolingo! I did my undergraduate in Washington, DC in International Affairs, with a concentration in Security Policy and a minor in Arabic. After graduating, I worked at an international development organization based in Washington, DC. This work experience not only piqued my interest in international development but also its intersection with humanitarian aid which led me to apply to LSE’s IDHE program. Prior to coming to LSE, I spent the summer in Greece working with an NGO to prepare and deliver food to refugees in a camp north of Athens. This solidified my research interest in refugees, and specifically the norm of encampment. Outside of school, I really enjoy baking (I have been doing a lot of stress baking!), trying new restaurants and food markets, going to work out classes, and wandering around new parts of London. Please feel free to reach out with any questions, concerns or just to chat! I’d be happy to chat about anything LSE or life in London – I know it can be daunting to move to a new country and big city while also starting a master’s program and am happy to offer any help or insight!


Full name: Katherine Gaffey 

Programme: MSc International Development and Humanitarian Emergencies 

Optional Courses Taken: EU4A8: Migration From Below: Theories and Lived Experiences of Borders | DV462: Forced Migration and Refugees | DV457: Sexual and Reproductive Health Programmes: Design, Implementation and Evaluation | DV453: International Development Consultancy Project 

Home Country: United States. I was born in California, but have been living in Portland, Oregon the last 6 years. 

Favourite spot in London: Hampstead Heath or Kensington Gardens. I love taking my dog on long walks in both parks. They are also great places for picnics when the weather is nice! 

Bio: In the Spring of 2020, I received my undergraduate degree in International Studies and Political Science. I spent the next two years working in a law firm in downtown Portland as I had always imagined law school and a career in human rights law would be my next step. Throughout my studies and my time interning for the U.S. House of Representatives, I was exposed to crises occurring across the globe and the ways in which international development was failing. I became inspired to pursue a career that is a force for good and puts human rights first. This has also led me to my current dissertation topic on why refugees with disabilities experience inequality in accessing services within refugee camp settings. 

Outside of LSE, I love cooking and hiking. I try to escape to nature as much as possible as London can get overwhelming sometimes! I also enjoy exploring the London restaurant scene and trying new cuisines. I really love to travel and have lived/studied in both Spain and Denmark.  


Full name: Mara Heckmann

Programme: MSc Development Management

Optional courses taken: DV458 Key issues in Global Health and Development | MG4J2 – Social Business Design |DV483 Information and Communication Technologies and Socio-Economic Development | DV443 – Development Management Consultancy Project

Home country: Germany

Social: LinkedIn

Favourite spot in London: Strolling along the Regent’s Canal in little Venice

Bio: I am a happy spirit and open-minded person, passionate about bringing together people to have a good time and share experiences. My interest in development issues sparked while I was working as a volunteer in Peru for the Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) in 2017 and ever since I have been pursuing a career in international development. Following my B.A degree in communication science and psychology from LMU Munich, I worked for the German Development Cooperation (GIZ) within the cooperation with the private sector.

During my undergraduate I did several internships in both private and public sector focussing on the intersection of communication, digital technology and development.

I’m passionate about private sector engagement in development cooperation, social innovation, and technology. My academic highlight at LSE was a course I took in Social Business Design from the Management Department. It taught me valuable skills in how to design your own social enterprise within the development context. So far, my experience at LSE has been an outstanding one, both socially as well as academically. I’m very enthusiastic and keen on sharing my pleasant experience with offer-holders and incoming students.

I am a Zumba & Fitness Instructor at the Student Union active lifestyle, and am passionate about Salsa and Bachata, traveling the World and meeting amazing people.


Full name: Mia Fraser

Programme: MSc Health and International Development

Optional courses taken: DV456 Population, Health and Development: Evidence and Projections | DV453 International Development Consultancy Project | DV465 Global Health Work: Expertise and Labour, DV434 Human Security

Home country: Jamaica

Scholarship: LSE Wellcome Award

Social: LinkedIn

Favourite spot in London: Bakeries of Covent Garden/ Crossrail Palace Gardens

Bio: Hey! I’m Mia, an island girl adjusting to London life. My background is in health research specifically in NCDs and child development data collection in Jamaica.

I’ve been using LSE as a chance to explore different topics and spaces that I otherwise wouldn’t have been exposed to. Apart from my normal classes, I follow friends to sit into their lectures when there’s space and attend different LSE events. (it’s a bonus when events have free snacks!)

It can be intimidating moving to a completely new country, but we have faith in you. Whenever I need a quick dose of home, I head to the Crossrail Palace Gardens in Canary Wharf to see some tropical trees. Signing up to do group activities can also help to build familiarity with a group of people you see regularly. There are tonnes of activities put on by LSE Halls/SU or you can venture off campus with classmates. I’m trying to improve my bachata skills with my classmates by going to classes every week. I’m not the best but we have fun together.

Congrats on your offer! Embrace the uncertainty of the process, you’re not alone, new adventures are at your doorstep.


Full name: Shachar Eyal

Programme: MSc Development Studies

Optional courses taken: DV407: Poverty | DV458: Issues in Global Health and Development | DV420: Complex Emergencies | DV462: Forced Migration and Refugees

Home country: Israel

Social: LinkedIn

Favourite spot in London: Hyde Park

Bio: Originally from Israel, I have a background in accounting, finance, management consulting and entrepreneurship. This is my second masters degree (I also have an MBA from the US) so I had a different path than most students in International development. Please reach out to me with any questions you may have on the program, on the courses I chose, time management while undergoing the program, potential career paths you can choose post the degree as well as any other topic and I will do whatever I can to help out.

Outside LSE, I enjoy exploring London and its wonderful parks and museums, do sports and yoga and get to know my fellow classmates


Full name: Shamayla Khan

Programme: MSc Development Studies

Optional courses taken: DV423 Global Political Economy of Development | GI409 Gender, Globalisation and Development: An Introduction | DV454 Gender, labour markets and social change in the Global South: theory, evidence and public action | PP449 Comparative Political Economy and Development

Home country: India

Scholarship: Rajeev Gandhi Scholarship run by the State government of Rajasthan, India

Social: LinkedIn

Favourite spot in London: The Lexington! Also recommend looking at independent local gig venues if you’re into live music- the Lafayette, KOKO, Riverside Studios

Bio: I have an undergraduate degree in Economics and entered my master’s programme straight from undergrad. I am particularly interested in studying trade liberalisation, corporate governance and its implications on labour market inequalities. At LSE, I wind down with weekly Yoga and enjoy attending events/talks/seminars which interest me. LSE ID is a great academic space which comprises not just the people you meet but also some very cool professors (in my first week, it felt so surreal to be in the same room as someone who I had extensively read and looked up to!) The experience at LSE can be a big learning curve and everyone can really personalise this experience for themselves.

London is a cold but beautiful city. What I like most about it is that there is something fun to do for everyone. There’s so much culture, fashion and art and all so easily accessible, it could last a lifetime. My favourite spot to study is Foyles and I try to watch as many bands live as I can in my free time! I’d be happy to connect via LinkedIn for any help I can provide in my capacity. Cheers!


Full name: Shravani Kedar

Programme: MSc Health and International Development

Optional courses taken: DV490: Economic Development Policy I | DV453: International Development Consultancy Project | DV491: Economic Development Policy II: Microeconomic Analysis | DV421: Critical Perspectives on Global Health and Development

Home country: India

Social: LinkedIn

Favourite spot in London: The Columbia Flower Market, One New Change Rooftop, Brick Lane

Bio: Being a student of life-sciences in my undergraduate, where I pursued the field of Biotechnology, it was a big and intimidating shift for me to decide to do my master’s degree at LSE. It was during the COVID-19 Pandemic, that I developed interest in public health and international development and decided to step outside the laboratory to contribute towards the betterment of the health sector.  This encouraged me to apply for the MSc Health and International Development programme at LSE, and this course has been everything I was looking for. I applied for this course because it gives a holistic outlook in  health, development and policy. This course has not only helped me widen the scope of my thinking but also helped me find what I am truly passionate about. Specifically, I am passionate about the intersection of gender, development, and health financing.

I was nervous when I started my degree with the fear of not fitting into the new line of study but my learning curve at LSE has been possible because of the immense support that is available for the students. The study resources, methods courses, digital skills labs are all part of what helped me build my knowledge and skills.

Outside of LSE, I spend most of time walking around the city and finding new architectural muses for my sketches. Being an art lover, living in London has been a dream come true. Exploring the many museums and galleries is how I spend most of my weekends. I also enjoy exploring the many food markets all over the city and trying out different cuisines. I enjoy practicing Kathak (Indian classical dance) to blow off some steam and keeping active.

Congratulations on being offer holders for the International Development Department. It is a diverse department with people from all over the world, with different backgrounds and interesting journeys.

I know it might seem a bit overwhelming at the moment, but trust me, it is just going to get better from here on in your LSE journey!

Feel free to reach out about anything concerning the courses, the department, LSE or even just about exploring London!

About the author

Dipa Patel

Dipa Patel is the Communications and Events Manager for the Department of International Development at LSE. She is also the Managing Editor of the ID at LSE Blog.

Posted In: Student Ambassadors | Student Experience

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