“Africa and Its Position in the World” was the title of the lecture that Nelson Mandela gave at LSE on 6 April 2000. At the end of the lecture, held in the Peacock Theatre, Joan Armatrading and the Kingdom Chorus Singers sang “The Messenger”. We delved into the archives for photographs of Nelson Mandela at LSE and a video of the event.
Nelson Mandela and wife Graça Machel arriving at the Peacock Theatre, LSE, 2000. IMAGELIBRARY/820. LSENelson Mandela while speaking at LSE, 2000. IMAGELIBRARY/818. LSENelson Mandela while speaking at LSE, 2000. IMAGELIBRARY/819. LSENelson Mandela while speaking at LSE, 2000.Nelson Mandela, Joan Armatrading and the Kingdom Chorus Singers on stage at LSE, 2000. IMAGELIBRARY/574. LSENelson Mandela on stage at LSE, wearing an LSE cap, 2000.Nelson Mandela at LSE, wearing an LSE cap, 2000
Read the full transcript of Nelson Mandela’s LSE talk, “Africa and Its Position in the World Today”.
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