Welcome to LSE Review of Books
LSE Review of Books publishes daily reviews of academic books across the social sciences. Our aim is to facilitate the sharing and exchange of knowledge between experts within and outside of the academy, and to open up academic research to increase its impact. We do this by encouraging public engagement with the social sciences through their best written and most accessible products: books.
If you would like to contribute to LSE Review of Books, please contact the managing editor, Anna D’Alton, at lsereviewofbooks@lse.ac.uk, tweet us @LSEReviewBooks or visit our contributor page.
LSE Review of Books Team
Managing Editor: Anna D’Alton
Anna D’Alton is Managing Editor of LSE Review of Books. She has an MA in World Literature from the University of Warwick and a BA in English Studies from Trinity College Dublin. Her research interests include Caribbean writing, World Systems Theory, imaginative resistance to colonial legacies, studies of petroculture and intersectional feminism. She is also interested in interdisciplinarity and the potential of Open Access publishing to share academic research with wider and more diverse audiences.
Email: lsereviewofbooks@lse.ac.uk
Funding and Content
All of our content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Higher Education Innovation Fund programme (HEIF5) run by LSE Knowledge Exchange.
We would like to additionally thank SAGE for their generous donation to LSE Review of Books. The philanthropic support of SAGE is entirely independent of any coverage their books may receive on the LSE Review of Books blog.
LSE Review of Books Advisory Board
Nick is Assistant Professor in Media and Communications, LSE. His work is based on the intersection between political communication and political institutions. He has published in world-leading academic journals, examining topics including the relationship between online political donations and campaign finance law, televised election debates in parliamentary democracy and new ways of measuring public opinion using social media metrics. Nick regularly appears on national and international media as a political commentator, including Newsnight, The One Show, Radio 4 and 5 and the World Service. He tweets @nickanstead.
Dr Mukulika Banerjee
Mukulika is Associate Professor in Social Anthropology and former Director of LSE’s South Asia Centre. Her research interests are on the cultural meanings of democracy in South Asia, especially India, and in political anthropology more generally. Mukulika’s new monograph Cultivating Democracy: Politics and citizenship in agrarian India ( OUP New York) is published in October 2021. This is an anthropological study of the relationship of formal political democracy and the cultivation of active citizenship in one particular rural setting in West Bengal, studied from 1998 to 2013. She is currently completing a manuscript based on 15 years of engagement with a village in India to explain the sources of democratic thinking in Indian social life.
Mary Evans is LSE Emeritus Leverhulme Professor at the Department of Gender Studies. Prior to coming to the LSE as a Visiting Fellow, she taught Women’s Studies and Sociology at the University of Kent. The primary focus of Mary’s work is those narratives (be they fictional or otherwise) through which we construct our social identity. She is particularly interested in the part that gender and class play in these narratives and the ways in which narratives of ourselves are an essential part of what we define as the modern.
Louise Jones
Louise is Head of Research Communications and Engagement at LSE. She oversees central research engagement initiatives including our extensive blogs platform, annual LSE Festival, Research for the World online magazine, LSE research showcase and short research films.
Lucy Lambe is the Scholarly Communications Officer at LSE Library. She joined the library in 2016, having previously worked at Imperial College London and Goldsmiths, University of London. She co-manages the production of LSE Press‘s books and academic journals.
Mike joined the LSE in 2012 and is now Martin White Professor. He has been Head of the Department of Sociology between 2013-16. Mike’s primary research interest is in analysing social stratification and inequality, and he has played a key role in the revival of the sociology of social class. Mike was part of the team behind the BBC’s Great British Class Survey and the recent book, Social Class in the 21st Century (2015). Mike is co-Director of LSE’s International Inequalities Institute, where he is the initial Academic Director of the Atlantic Fellows programme, the largest global programme in the world devoted to challenging inequalities.
Aled Williams is a Fellow at LSE Department of Mathematics and a member of LSE’s Early Career Researchers (ECR) Network Steering Group. Aled received his PhD in mathematics from Cardiff University at the start of 2022. In July 2022, he became an LSE Fellow in the Department of Mathematics and during the 2022-23 academic year was responsible for developing and teaching MA324 (mathematical modelling and simulation).
Dr Qingfei Yin is Assistant Professor of International History (China and the World) at LSE. As a historian of contemporary China and inter-Asian relations, her research focuses on China’s relations with its Asian neighbours, Asian borderlands, and the Cold War in Asia. She is particularly interested in how the global Cold War interacted with state-building in marginal societies. She is currently completing her book manuscript State Building in Cold War Asia: Comrades and Competitors on the Sino-Vietnamese Border (under contract with Cambridge University Press). She also serves as the Book Review Editor of the Journal of Military History and on the Editorial Board of Cold War History.