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Zoetanya Sujon

October 13th, 2010

Welcome to the LSE Media Policy Project


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Zoetanya Sujon

October 13th, 2010

Welcome to the LSE Media Policy Project


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

The LSE Department of Media and Communications is delighted to announce its success in winning funding to increase and deepen the links between research and policymaking.  This project has been made possible through an award granted by the Higher Education Innovation Fund (HEIF4) at LSE and is marked by the launch of the LSE Media Policy Project.  The aim of the project is to establish a deliberative relationship between policy makers, civil society actors, media professionals and relevant media research.  We want policy makers to have timely access to the best policy-relevant research and to engage the policy community with research on the the policy making process itself.  We plan to examine how policy issues emerge on the agenda and how networked communications may aid stakeholder consultation.

The Media Policy Project was launched on September 27th with an expert kick off meeting which introduced the project, our objectives and opened an extended discussion of key upcoming policy areas.  We were pleased with the enthusiasm and insight participants brought to the table and we look forward to further discussion.

The slides for the event show the Media Policy Project’s agenda, outlines our objectives and includes a summary of expert discussion and reflection.

About the author

Zoetanya Sujon

Posted In: LSE Media Policy Project

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