If you weren’t able to attend the Polis International Journalism Conference held at the LSE on March 23rd, you’re in luck! Several videos have been posted on YouTube, including one of the panel “Regulation after Leveson.”
Chaired by Dr. Damian Tambini, the panel included a discussion of the three major proposals for Press reform: the development of a News Publishing Commission by the Coordinating Committee for Media Reform; a Media Standards Authority proposed by the ‘Roundtable’ group; and the Press Complaints Commission’s “PCC 2.0”, outlined by Lord Hunt in his witness statement and evidence and Lord Black in his first and second witness statements and evidence, given at the Leveson hearings. Martin Moore of the Hacked Off campaign and the Media Standards Trust offered insight into the PCC’s history while Manuel Puppis of the University of Zurich provided an international perspective based on his research into European press commissions.