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Sally Broughton Micova

May 2nd, 2013

What Not to Miss in May in Media Policy


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Sally Broughton Micova

May 2nd, 2013

What Not to Miss in May in Media Policy


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

April was a busy month in media policy with the passage of a new Defamation Bill, a sudden apparent end to the Communications Data Bill, and yet another version of a Royal Charter for press self-regulations submitted by a group of publishers and supported by the Newspaper Society. In May, intellectual property and copyright are on the agenda with two IPO consultations closing and an event hosted the LSE Department of Law on copyright in crisis. It is also time to talk about broadcasting again – today, 2 May, is the deadline for giving Ofcom input on the programming obligations of Channel 3 and Channel 5. Later in the month City University hosts a half-day of discussions about public value in the BBC and another Ofcom consultation closes, this time on the pricing of broadcasting spectrum.

Here are a few of the events coming up in May and some consultations deadlines that you may not want to miss. Please let us know of any others you think we should know about at


3 May
11:00 Obstacles to Free Speech and Safety of Journalists at City University

9 May
09:30 Valuing the BBC: A half-day seminar at City University London

18:30 The Theft of Creative Content: Copyright in Crisis at London School of Economics

16 May
09:00 Cyber security in the UK and Europe: critical infrastructure, collaboration and skills at Westminster Forum

23 May
17:30 The Right to Privacy and the Freedom of the Press: From the European to Domestic Perspectives … and Back at the British Institute of International and Comparative Law


OFCOM: Public consultation on proposed programming obligations of Channel 3 & Channel 5
Close: 2 May 2013

Intellectual Property Office: Introduction of 1) a ‘fast track’ opposition procedure within the Trade Mark Tribunal; and 2) a refundable appeal fee for inter partes appeals to the Appointed Person
Close: 17 May 2013

Intellectual Property Office: Discussion Paper on an Appointed Person for Patents
Close: 21 May 2013

OFCOM: Public consultation on spectrum pricing for terrestrial broadcasting
Close: 23 May 2013

More on these consultations and others can be found on our Consultations Page

About the author

Sally Broughton Micova

Posted In: Copyright | Privacy

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