Avery Hancock, Danielle Moran and Joel Suss round up the week in political blogging
Welfare reform
Liberal Democratic Voice exposes the myths surrounding the proposed benefits cap, while Nick Clegg appeared on BBC1 sticking up for the coalition policy. Meanwhile, The Coffee House argues that the Labour party is in disarray over the issue. Left Foot Forward covers a letter from Ed Miliband asking David Cameron to correct the unemployment and benefits figures he gave at PMQs, and the FT’s Westminster Blog writes that Ian Duncan Smith has played fast and loose with facts
The Staggers argues that the government’s reform of the Disability Living Allowance will harm disabled people and Left Foot Forward covers the Fabian Society’s ‘means-testing myth busting’ report that finds the more means-testing the government does, the less poverty is alleviated.
The economy
Politics Home notes the unusual nature of the Lib Dem’s pre-budget negotiations as the deputy PM hits the airwaves and the headlines with demands. The Coffee House argues that Nick Clegg’s proposed mansion tax is an idea the Tories should get behind while the FT’s Westminster Blog questions the sincerity of Clegg’s promise of increasing the personal tax allowance and Liberal Conspiracy finds it a costly, ineffective fix. The Adam Smith Institute Blog gets annoyed about the living wage.
The Tory Diary explores the discontent among senior Conservative party figures over further funding for the IMF, and Tax Research UK argues for the need to tackle tax havens. The Coffee House notes that the PM’s lecture to the eurozone could put him at odds with British voters, while The Staggers also thinks the PM is missing the point on European growth by ignoring the effects of austerity (as shown in this interesting graph on the Touchstone blog).
The parties
Political Betting envisages Labour gaining on the Tories in the polls if the economy heads into a double dip recession, helping to overcome low faith in Ed Miliband. The FT’s Westminster Blog provides a revisionist account of Miliband’s leadership in which he is praised for articulating some good policy ideas, while Anthony Painter details the new divisions on the Left.
London Mayoral Election
Boris Johnson’s campaign tactic of blaming immigrants for indigenous joblessness is extoled by The Tory Diary for “draw[ing] on the national interest.” Labour List highlights the Home Office figures that show Boris Johnson has cut police, while Sunny Hundal at Liberal Conspiracy thinks Ken Livingstone needs more fresh ideas and energy to win the London mayoral race.
Scottish independence referendum
Left Foot Forward is one of many blogs to criticise Alex Salmond’s leading question for the Scottish independence referendum and The Staggers asks if Trident could remain in an independent Scotland.
Health Reform
Conservative Home nudges the Prime Minister to play musical chairs with Andrew Lansley and The Staggers notes that many Tories are realizing that NHS reforms are toxic to the party.
And finally
The Coffee House investigates the historical schism within the Tory party over Gay rights.
Liberal Conspiracy reveals the government’s plans to limit abortion counselling.