Danielle Moran, Paul Rainford and Amy Mollett take a look at the week in political blogging.
Party polls
Conservative Home’s Tim Montgomerie fears that the Conservative decontamination is not yet complete with news that 42% would never vote for the Tories, but also that 42% is a magic number for Labour who lead the parties in UK Polling Report’s polls. However, there’s no such good news for the Labour leader who is seen as a potential PM by only 19% of those polled. Meanwhile, money is already on Jim Murphy, shadow defense minister, to take the helm of the party, write politicalbetting.com.
Labour Party Conference
Alex Smith at Labour List reflects on a mixed year for Ed Miliband as the FT’s Westminster Blog outlines three key challenges for his party as they head in to their annual conference and Miliband’s keynote speech. The FT’s Westminster blog documents Ed Miliband’s failure to restrict symbolic influence of Unions in future leadership elections, while Luke Bozier provides a reminder to those on the Labour benches of the cost of opposition.
Mark Ferguson at Labour List discusses potential divisions over the Refounding Labour project, as The Guardian’s Andrew Rawnsley argues that Miliband does have a vision for the party, and it is breathtaking. Left Foot Forward write that community ownership must become a cornerstone policy for the opposition.
Labour List provides some instant reaction to Ed Miliband’s much anticipated speech, and The Staggers shows what the papers thought of it (while also outlining the five key points). The Economist’s Bagehot claims that the Labour leader blew his big chance to explain what he wants for Britain and Coffee House chides his empty promises. The Staggers claims that his ambition is not yet matched by policy and Mehdi Hasan at the New Statesman believes his big job will be to try and convince the country.
Labour Uncut believes that Ed Miliband had a “grotesque, cataclysm of a week”, after the Labour leader seemed to spend most of the conference rebutting charges that he was “weird”. Atul Hatwell at Labour Uncut warns that Ed Miliband’s political health will deteriorate fast following the conference.
The Staggers welcomes Labour’s promised cut to tuition fees while Liberal Conspiracy considers the move to be one of political genius. However, Liberal Democrat Voice was left thoroughly underwhelmed by the pledge. Coffee House though, does have some cautious praise for Ed and his media strategy.
The Staggers believes that Ed Balls’ new strategy – combining long-term fiscal discipline with short-term stimulus – is a masterstroke, but the FT’s Westminster Blog wonders how much his new five-point growth plan will cost.
Political Betting look at a new rule brought in at the Labour conference, that at least one of Labour’s leader and deputy must be a woman, and consider how it might work in practice.
The economy and the eurozone crisis
Faisal Islam warns that the euro must be saved within six days, not weeks, while Coffee House details William Hague’s warning that ‘the euro is a burning building with no exit’. Stephanie Flanders argues that now is time for Europe to decide to punish or protect.
The Staggers notes that the UK is set to resist European plans for a ‘Robin Hood’ tax and Robert Peston questions why it is that the City find a financial transaction tax so scary.
Thetorydiary wonders where George Osborne’s big economic idea is as The Staggers argues that Labour must move now to gain credibility on its economic abilities. Thetorydiary argues that the Conservatives need to focus on positive messages regarding the economy and jobs if they want to build a majority, while The Coffee House muses over the ‘threat’ that the green economy poses to growth.
Liberal Democrat Voice shows that Liberal Democrat members back the coalition on the economy, but they also have real worries about the impact on public services. The False Economy blog discusses how the banks can rescue the country after the country rescued them, and Richard Murphy puts some flesh on the bones of Ed Miliband’s speech by outlining what ‘good business’ actually looks like.
The Staggers argues that David Cameron was foolish to set a net migration target, rather than an immigration target.
Liberal Conspiracy examines at the UK’s so called “generous benefit system”, arguing that EU migrants are likely to get a better benefit deal elsewhere.
David Parkes at Liberal Democrat Voice argues that, if reintroduced, free university tuition for all would be deeply regressive in today’s Britain, while The Staggers asks is Labour have abandoned the fight against Gove’s school reforms.
Thetorydiary covers David Willetts’ thumbs up to universities to accept lower income students with poorer grades.
And finally…
The FT’s Westminster Blog notes that David Cameron’s marriage tax allowance alienates women.
Dave Hill’s London Blog casts an eye over Boris Johnson and his falling police numbers.
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