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Managing Editor

March 29th, 2013

Immigration, Inconsistencies and Privatisation: Top 5 blogs you might have missed this week


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Managing Editor

March 29th, 2013

Immigration, Inconsistencies and Privatisation: Top 5 blogs you might have missed this week


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Credit: World Economic Forum (CC)
Credit: World Economic Forum (CC)

Isabel Hardman observes that there is a gap between what Conservative backbenchers want on immigration and what the Prime Minister is able to give them.

Sunny Hundal points out glaring inconsistencies in immigration figures being quoted by ministers.

James Bloodworth argues that we have clear data which shows that claims about economic ‘scroungers’ are simply inaccurate.

TimĀ Montgomerie offers a scathing assessment of what he says is a rapidly shrinking political project by David Cameron.

Neil Clark believes that the privatisation of the RAF search and rescue service is revealing of a political extremism on the part of the government.


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