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Managing Editor

January 25th, 2013

The Future of the UK in Europe: Top 5 blogs you might have missed this week


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Managing Editor

January 25th, 2013

The Future of the UK in Europe: Top 5 blogs you might have missed this week


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Credit: World Economic Forum (CC)

Isabel Hardman offers an insightful summary of the key points from the Prime Minister’s speech on the future of Britain in Europe.

George Eaton believes that Cameron’s EU referendum pledge will leave Labour in a difficult position in the run up to the next election.

In contrast Rafael Behr argues that Ed Miliband’s position on Europe is stronger than it seems.

While some have suggested the speech displayed pragmatism in its approach to the future, Janet Daley believes it is predicated on a profound misunderstanding of the nature of the European project.

Kiran Stacey considers the implications of the speech for the Liberal Democrats, suggesting that Cameron’s coalition partners may use their willingness to back a referendum as a bargaining chip.


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