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March 15th, 2024

How I dealt with waiting for a decision from LSE…

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Estimated reading time: 7 minutes


March 15th, 2024

How I dealt with waiting for a decision from LSE…

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Estimated reading time: 7 minutes

So, you’re at the stage where you’ve successfully submitted your application to LSE and past the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service (UCAS) deadline. I’ve been through the process and want to help guide you through your thoughts, emotions and feelings. Here’s my three top tips to stay motivated and encouraged, and give you other things to ponder on while you wait to hear back from LSE.

Tip #1: Relax

You’ve got through one of the most stressful experiences you can have within education. You’ve come out the other end having reached the deadline and completed your applications. Remember, you’ve no control over what happens next, and can only count on all the hard work you’ve already put in.

Learn from my mistake and understand that you shouldn’t stress over what is out of your hands; if you’re meant for LSE, you will get into LSE.

I can’t outline this enough. LSE admissions are meticulous in the assessment of the applications, and will not dismiss a student who’s the right fit for the university. Keep this in mind as I reiterate “relax,” because you want to be ready for the next step, which is focusing on your grades. When I say relax, take a break from thinking about it all because your brain can’t and shouldn’t be constantly in “hyper mode”. Don’t allow yourself to be overworked. You’ll lose your true self and won’t be able to reap the benefits of that inevitable offer with your mind in overdrive.

Tip #2: Focus

Although it’s quite different to the first tip, it’s so important to stay focused on your goals and not lose track or be complacent. During my waiting period after completing applications, some students in my Sixth Form had feelings of anxiety, worry, and nerves with excitement, which was completely understandable. Additionally, I felt as if the hard part was done, but also acknowledged the importance of getting the grades. It’s all well and good if you get a conditional offer based on your predicted grades, but you have to maintain this standard — don’t get caught up in your thoughts.

Relaxation is good for a clear mind but focusing is what will get you into the right mindset, no matter the outcome.

Tip #3: Enjoy

It may sound cliché, but you may get caught up in the anticipation of waiting for the decision on your undergraduate application and miss out on the last months of wherever you were before. In my last months of Sixth Form, I had fun with my friends and enjoyed lessons with my teachers and classmates. It’s so easy to get lost in what is next, that where you are now gets disregarded. If there is one thing that motivated me whilst waiting was enjoying my time at my school and enjoying the experience. Of course, as I mentioned before, never become complacent, but you can still enjoy the experience whilst preparing for the next steps of your life.

To be frank with you, I’m a big worrier and I wrote this entry specifically for the worriers like me waiting to hear back from LSE. The School is a top university that accepts the “best of the best” from around the globe, but that doesn’t mean you should count yourself out. Don’t put yourself down, try to relax, stay focused and enjoy yourself. This is coming from a final-year student who’s been all of through this and has the hindsight to help put you at ease. You’ve got this!

About the author


I’m Sakina and I’m a third year Sociology student at LSE. I’m quite interested in the interconnections between empire, nationality and race in the UK. I also have an interest in educational inequality and attainment. I’ve lived in London my whole life and love writing. Feel free to interact with my posts and I hope you enjoy them.

Posted In: Applying: Undergraduate

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