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All contributions that are submitted will be acknowledged by the Managing Editor or an Assistant Blog Editor as soon as possible. Occasionally, an article may not fit our remit of European politics and policy; in that case we will advise authors on how best to rewrite articles so that we are able to publish them.

In most cases submitted articles will be reviewed speedily by at least two members of the Blog Team, who will edit the piece to enhance readability to the blog’s wider audience. These edits may include:

  • Shortening of text if the article is above our stated 1,000 word limit
  • The addition of a narrative-style title to sum up the post’s main findings
  • The addition of short introductory paragraph outlining the article’s author, their main arguments and findings, and any relevant background information for readers.

Once these edits and revisions are complete, we will send the final version of the blog article to authors with an estimated date and time of publication, and give the author an opportunity to make any further edits they deem are necessary. Please note that owing to events and other circumstances beyond our control, we may have to change our posting order at very short notice.

Unfortunately, due to time pressures, authors may have less than 24 hours to approve our edits. However, once articles are published, we are very happy to make further edits afterwards should the author deem them to be necessary.

Creative Commons and article sharing policy

All of our articles are also published under the Creative Commons licence, (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0) and other blogs and publications are free to use them, with attribution.

EUROPP also has agreements to share content with a number of other blogs and online journals:

Euro crisis in the press

Ballots and Bullets Extremis Project

If you do not wish for your article to be republished anywhere else, please let us know, otherwise, we will assume that you are happy for us to do this. Additionally, if you find your work posted on any site that is not listed above, please let us know by emailing our Managing Editor Stuart Brown at:

Role of the General Editor

As part of our processes, the blog team will refer the following types of articles to the General Editor (which may cause your blog’s publication to be delayed):

  • Articles that are potentially libellous or defamatory
  • Articles where the blog team has concerns about author’s potential conflicts of interest
  • Articles that are insufficiently evidence based or lacking in academic rigour
  • Any other articles that may impact on the reputation of the author, the LSE, or the LSE Public Policy Group

In the hopefully rare cases where the General Editor cannot accept a blog, authors can appeal to our Advisory Board and we will ask two members to adjudicate the issue.

If you have any questions about our policy, please let us know by emailing the Managing Editor Stuart Brown at:

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