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Impact Blog LogoOur sister blog is Impact of Social SciencesThe Impact of Social Sciences blog is a hub for academic researchers, think-tanks and policymakers, and anyone else interested in maximising the impact of academic work in the social sciences and other disciplines. We hope to encourage debate, share best practice and keep the impact community up to date with news, events and debate.

LSE Public Policy Group runs a wider team of blogs committed to boosting the visibility and accessibility of academic research:

  • British Politics and PolicyThe aim of British Politics and Policy at LSE is to increase the public understanding of the social sciences in the context of UK government; facilitate the sharing and exchange of knowledge between experts within and outside universities; and open up academic research to increase its impact. We draw primarily on the community of academics and researchers at the London School of Economics, but we welcome contributions from UK and overseas universities and other research organisations. We encourage the submission of material that focuses on substantive insights or research as it pertains to any aspect of British politics and policy. 

  • USApp logoUSApp – American Politics and PolicyUSApp’s central mission is to increase the public understanding of social science in the context of American politics and policymaking. Our focus is broad-based and multidisciplinary, covering all aspects of governance, economics, politics, culture and society in the United States, and in its continental neighbours, Canada and Mexico. We seek to achieve a qualitative improvement in the British, European and rest of the world’s understanding of domestic politics in the United States at the level of states and major cities, and encompassing the full range of American social, urban and regional issues.

  • EUROPP: European Politics and PolicyEUROPP’s purpose is to increase the public understanding of the social sciences in the context of European governance and policy making, both at the European Union level and at the level of countries across Europe and within its neighbourhood. Our remit covers all aspects of European government and politics and all aspects of European public policy. 

  • DA UK logoDemocratic Audit UKDemocratic Audit is an independent research unit based at the Public Policy Group in the LSE’s Government Department. Our core objective is to advance democracy and freedom, and to undertake and promote research into their quality, durability and effectiveness in a UK context. The Democratic Audit blog has been live since July 2013, and already receives over 2000 unique views every week. It is edited by two Managing Editors, and features contributions from high level academics, campaigners and experts on all elements of British democracy and human rights.

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