By Zoetanya Sujon
In preparation for our March 2nd expert workshop on ‘Assessing Media Plurality,’ some of our participants have kindly provided excellent background documents which offer insightful contributions to a wide range of issues concerning media plurality, in the UK and Europe.
Ken Goldstein has contributed a one page summary of UK consumer’s news use.
David Elstein has written an informative paper, on ‘The Ofcom report on the News Corp/BSkyB Transaction,’ which provides a useful overview and background on Ofcom’s position and key challenges in defining and assessing media plurality.
Petros Iosifidis has provided us with chapter 2 of his 2010 book Reinventing Public Service Communication, entitled ‘Pluralism and Funding in Public Service Broadcasting Across Europe.’ This chapter critically assesses Ofcom’s role regarding public service broadcasting and argues that “plurality of content is more important than plurality of providers (or institutional plurality in Ofcom’s analysis) for the provision of PS [public service] content” across Europe.