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December 24th, 2010

Bad weather stops Britain moving, Cable’s ‘nuclear option’, and Labour takes a lead in the polls – political blog round up for 18 – 24 December 2010

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Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Blog Admin

December 24th, 2010

Bad weather stops Britain moving, Cable’s ‘nuclear option’, and Labour takes a lead in the polls – political blog round up for 18 – 24 December 2010

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Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Chris Gilson takes a look at the week in political blogging.

Saturday 18th December and Sunday 19th December

John Redwood talks EU treaty amendments and the Euro.

Peter Wrigley at Keynesian Liberal looks at devolution and referendums for locally elected Mayors in 12 areas.

According to Paul Goodman at ConservativeHome, 50 Tory MPs want a free vote on the tobacco display ban.

Wat Tyler at Burning our Money has a Christmas riddle for readers.

David Howells at Labour Uncut blogs in support of a graduate tax, while Mark Pack looks at David Cameron’s recent speech on the Big Society.

Tim Montgomerie at ConservativeHome reports that Labour and the Tories are ‘neck-a-neck’ in the opinion polls.

Mike Smithson at looks at possible scenarios for the upcoming Oldham by-election.

Sunny Hundal at Liberal Conspiracy thinks it’s unlikely that the coalition will fall any time soon.

Jeff at Better Nation ponders the responsibilities of transport ministers during the current spate of bad weather.

Will Straw at Left Foot Forward finds that the Tories have broken another promise on health policy.

Monday 20th December

Mike Smithson at blogs on the potential political consequences of the response to this week’s bad weather in the UK.

Sunder Katwala at Next Left looks at the politics of the recent school sports funding cut u-turn.

Guido Fawkes reports that Ed Miliband is not seeing eye-to-eye with the new boss of the Unite union.

Anthony Wells at UK Polling Report has some thoughts on recent AV referendum polls.

Darrell Goodliffe at Labour Uncut blogs that the coalition is tearing the Conservatives apart.

Tuesday 21st December

The big news story today is Vince Cable’s comments (secretly recorded by Telegraph journalists) that he could use the ‘nuclear option’ and ‘bring down the government’ if ‘pushed too far’. Guido has more including Cable’s ‘embarrassment’ over the comments.  A short time later Sunny Hundal at Liberal Conspiracy reports on Cables additional comments that he has ‘declared war’ on Rupert Murdoch.

Samira Shackle at The Staggers finds one of the biggest revelations from Cable’s taped comments – the government’s plans to cut the winter fuel allowance.

Tim Montgomerie at ConservativeHome calls for Cable’s resignation as business secretary.

Dave Osler at Liberal Conspiracy reckons that it’s the job of the unions to take down the government in any case.

Political Scrapbook has a list of Vince Cable’s ‘Top 5’ political cock-ups.

Mark Pack talks about the Liberal Democrats’ three electoral challenges for 2011.

John Redwood blogs on the coalition’s spending priorities.

Richard Excell at the TUC’s Touchstone blog finds it concerning that the Future Jobs Fund is to be abolished, especially in the current economic climate.

Gordon MacMillan at Harry’s Place asserts that Labour’s ‘Yes’ campaign for next year’s AV referendum is ‘deeply naïve’.

Mike Smithson at reads the polls and finds that Labour has a 6-point lead over the Conservatives.

Wednesday 22nd December

Sunder Katwala at Liberal Conspiracy says that more Liberal Democrat ministers think that the coalition’s policies are ‘a mess’.

Dizzy Thinks takes Ed Miliband to task for advertising for unpaid interns for the ‘Labour Yes’ campaign given his previous commitment to the minimum wage.

Jonathan Todd at Labour Uncut says that Ed Miliband needs to ask the question ‘Why do I want to be prime minister?’.

Mark Pack looks at the legacy of the London tube privatisation.

Mike Smithson at says that circulation numbers for the print media are shrinking.

Thursday 23rd December

John Redwood muses on whether HS2 is the right investment for the UK.

Samira Shackle at The Staggers asks if the Liberal Democrats should be speaking out more.

Sunder Katwala at Next Left predicts a possible Welsh wipeout for the Liberal Democrats in next years’ national assembly elections.

Don Paskini at Liberal Conspiracy asserts that Labour needs to ‘rediscover campaigning.’

Anthony Wells at UK Polling Report finds that a switch to AV may not necessarily be as beneficial to Labour as some may have thought.

Rob Marchant at Labout Uncut finds that the left may well have misjudged George Osborne.

Friday 24th December

Richard Exell at the TUC’s Touchstone Blog looks at the effects of housing benefit cuts on the unemployed.

Jonathan Isaby at ConservativeHome looks at possible indications that the Tories and Liberal Democrats may collaborate in fighting the upcoming Oldham East and Saddleworth byelection.

Sholto Byrnes at The Staggers blogs on why he will not be watching the Queen’s speech tomorrow.

James Cowley at The Staggers writes in defence of Vince Cable.


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