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LSE Civil Service, Government and Public Policy Alumni Group

The LSE Alumni Association is pleased to announce the creation of a new special interest group for LSE alumni working in The Civil Service, Government, Public Policy and related sectors.

Many LSE alumni, given the nature of the institution, go on to pursue an array of careers in government and politics, which provides a significant platform on which to build an alumni network for former LSE students to share common interests and career experiences of the sector.

Much progress has been made on the initiative since its inception in April 2010. Key developments to note include over 600 globally registered members to date, support and sponsorship from the Department of Government and LSE Director Howard Davies announcing support for the group in a speech at an alumni event in Washington DC.

Aims and objectives

The aims and objectives of this group are as follows:

  • To support LSE alumni working in the sector, by creating an environment for people to interact, network and share common interests with fellow alumni working in the same area.
  • To keep alumni updated on key issues within the sector, through a series of events and lectures on key political and current affairs issues of interest.
  • To give current students at the LSE the opportunity to speak to and hear about what alumni from the LSE have gone on to achieve in the sector.
  • To establish links with alumni working in other major centres of government around the world.


Forthcoming Events

‘The UK Coalition Government: One Year On’

Date: Thursday 9 June, 6:30pm – 8:15pm,

Venue: Sheikh Zayed Theatre,

LSE Chair: Jon Snow, Channel 4 News.

Panel speakers:

Rt Hon Oliver Letwin MP, Minister of State for Government Policy, Cabinet Office

Rt Hon Margaret Hodge MP, Chair of Public Accounts Committee

Lynne Featherstone MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State (Minister for Equalities)

Anthony Seldon Master, Wellington College and Historian and Political Commentator

Jon Snow, will now attend the drinks and networking reception following the lecture from (8.15pm onwards)

How successful has the UK coalition government been it its first year? Has the coalition delivered on its key policy objectives of tackling the deficit, reforming the constitution and creating a Big Society? How well has it responded to international developments in the Middle East and North Africa? More broadly, how effectively have coalition partners worked together and what challenges lie ahead? Join Jon Snow and a panel of speakers from across the political spectrum for an interactive discussion. A drinks and networking reception will follow the debate.

Booking is now open on Houghton Street Online:


How to get involved

Representatives within Government departments and other large organisations

The group is looking to create a network of contacts within major organisations across the sector, to help coordinate its work and liaise with the Management Committee on upcoming activities and networking opportunities. If you are interested in becoming the representative for a Government department or other large organisation, please email

The group now has its own LinkedIn group, which you can join by searching for ‘LSE Civil Service’. Membership is verified by the LSE Alumni Relations team. This will allow the group to build a comprehensive social network where members can exchange expertise in particular fields and build working relationships.

International links

The group has established links with LSE’s alumni groups in Washington DC and Brussels, and looks forward to working with these and other alumni groups in large centres of government.


Past Events

‘End of the English Regions?’

Thursday 17 February 2011, 6.30 – 8pm

Speaker: Sir Bob Kerslake, Permanent Secretary, Department for Communities and Local Government
Chair: Tony Travers, Director, Greater London Group, LSE

About the speakers

Sir Bob Kerslake, Permanent Secretary, Department for Communities and Local Government
Tony Travers, Director, Greater London Group, LSE


April 2011

International Human Rights and the inter-relationship with International Security

Chaired by Lord Frank Judd (BSc Sociology 1956)


Civil Service, Government and Public Policy Alumni Group Launch – 25 November 2010

The official launch of the new Civil Service, Government and Public Policy Alumni Group took place on Thursday 25 November, and got the group off to a fantastic start.

The audience of over 150 London-based members was welcomed by group chair Rosehanna Chowdhury(LLB 2004, LLM 2005), who outlined the story behind the establishment of the group, and its vision for 2011.

Everyone then heard fascinating insights from guest speakers Margaret Hodge MP (BSc Government 1986), Member of Parliament for Barking and Chair of the Public Accounts Committee, and Jeremy Heywood (MSc Economics 1986), Permanent Secretary in No. 10 Downing Street.

Both spoke about their time at LSE, their varied careers since and the importance of this new group, and took questions from the audience on subjects including the relationship between ministers and the Civil Service and the role of select committees.

The event was chaired by Professor Paul Kelly, Head of the LSE Department of Government, who spoke about the links the department is creating with alumni through its British Government@LSE initiative and the British Politics and Policy Blog. The group is very grateful to the department for its generous sponsorship of the event.

The formal part of the evening was followed by a reception in the Senior Common Room, which included a speech and toast to the group by Richard Bacon MP (BSc Government 1986), Member of Parliament for South Norfolk. Such was the appetite for networking that many alumni were still there at 9.30pm.

There were many senior alumni in attendance, including MPs, Lords, permanent secretaries and directors of public policy groups.

The group’s management committee is now finalising its programme of events for 2011. If you are not currently a member of the group, please sign up via the homepage.

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