All the best wishes for 2014 from the LSE’s British Politics and Policy blog. Here are our top 10 articles from 2013.
1. The lasting achievement of Thatcherism as a political project is that Britain now has three political parties of the right, instead of one – Patrick Dunleavy
3. The obsession with ‘hard work’ as a route to economic success is a dangerous distraction – David Spencer
4. The ‘scrounger’ myth is causing real suffering to many in society – Kayleigh Garthwaite
5. The British class system is becoming more polarised between a prosperous elite and a poor ‘precariat’ – Mike Savage
6. The doctrine of ‘hard working’ is the worst kind of religion – Mary Evans
7. Both inequality and poverty cause health and social problems – they are forces that need to be tackled together – Karen Rowlingson
8. The marketisation of our universities: Economic criteria get precedence over what’s good in human terms – Luke Martell
9. There’s every reason to argue that it’s time to abolish the Monarchy. Britain can do so much better – Andrew Child
10. Why the system of rail privatisation in the UK has been a disaster – Mick Moran