On his Mainly Macro blog, and in response to an article applauding the British for their dutiful acceptance of austerity, Simon Wren-Lewis writes that “the fact that [austerity] has been accepted with little protest is not something to be commended (unless you are in the business of manipulating opinion), but a major problem. It is a huge failure for good government, and our democratic system”.

Writing for Project Syndicate, Robert Skidelsky dispels some of the more pernicious economic fallacies produced in the period since 2008.
On the PSA Insight blog, Philip Cowley and Mark Stuart count down “ten of the more interesting Commons votes since 2010“.
Writing for The Conversation, Andre Spicer looks at the evidence regarding women on the board of firms and argues that “a quota could be an excellent step forward”.
On the Economics of Higher Education blog, Joanne Lindley and Stephen Machin investigate the impact of the boom in postgraduate education on wage inequality. They find that “there has been a strong connection between the increased presence of postgraduate workers in the labour force and rising wage inequality over time”.