On SPERI Comment, Stephanie Mudge argues that it’s time emphasise the ‘political’ in political economy and “to treat the way we organise democratic representation as just as important as how we write economic policy”.
On the Devolution Matters blog, Alan Trench explores the implications of George Osborne’s recent pronouncement on a potential currency union with an independent Scotland. “The challenge that now faces the SNP and the wider Yes campaign is whether to embrace a more radical approach to independence, which may be less attractive to key groups of swing voters.“
On the NIESR blog, Jonathan Portes asks what economists in government can do to make policy better, concluding that “Government economists need to be able to explain forecasts, scenarios and their implications to policymakers.”
On the Manchester Policy blogs, Danny Fitzpatrick writes that the floods spat between Eric Pickles and Owen Paterson “reveals some deeper pathologies of UK politics and policymaking”. “If wicked issues such as flooding are to be addressed in the long-term, the disjointed and dysfunctional nature of policy making needs to overhauled.”
On the Fabian Society blog, Andrew Pakes defends the Environmental Agency from accusations about its response to the flooding that continues to cause sever damage and hardship in many parts of the country.