The LSE Commission on the Future of Britain in Europe aimed to inform the national debate on Britain’s membership of the European Union, with high quality, evidence-based and balanced analysis.
Its purpose was to meet the public need for reliable information in the run-up to the national referendum.
The work of the Commission concentrated on a series of expert hearings convened by LSE academics. Participants included senior British and EU public officials, policy practitioners, academics, think tanks, journalists and business representatives.
The hearings examined “negotiation issues”, the options for a reconfigured UK-EU relationship and the wider impact of a Brexit on the UK, as well as on the EU as a whole.
The convenors’ reports of their individual hearings contributed to a final report setting out an overall assessment of the case for continued British EU membership or a Brexit. You can read a summary of the report here and each report here.
The Commission was coordinated by Professor Iain Begg of the LSE European Institute.
Join the discussion on the Future of Britain in Europe on Twitter using: #LSEBrexit
Hearing dates and convenors
Posts by Commission participants
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LSE BREXIT - Published on January 27, 2016 by Roch Dunin-WasowiczThe UK government has entered the final stages of its negotiations with the EU. The issues of immigration control and the refugee crisis seem to overshadow ...more
LSE BREXIT - Published on January 20, 2016 by Roch Dunin-WasowiczThe City’s growth is not endogenous, it has coincided with the achievement of the European single market. In the past 20 years London managed to adapt as a bridgehead for foreign, ...more
LSE BREXIT - Published on January 19, 2016 by Ros TaylorDon Flynn, the director of the Migrants Rights Network, says the free movement of workers across Europe is not only intrinsically desirable, but has benefited ...more
LSE BREXIT - Published on January 18, 2016 by Roch Dunin-Wasowicz
Following the proceedings of the first session of the LSE Commission on the Future of Britain in Europe, we continue the topic of parity between the Euro-ins and the ...more
LSE BREXIT - Published on January 1, 2016 by Ros TaylorLabour mobility benefits companies looking for the best staff, but it also enables universities to grow and compete internationally. Nicholas Barr explains how this virtuous circle helps the ...more
LSE BREXIT - Published on December 22, 2015 by Ros TaylorWhat impact would leaving the EU have on Britain's higher education and research? The second hearing of the LSE European Institute's Commission on the Future of ...more
LSE BREXIT - Published on December 21, 2015 by Roch Dunin-WasowiczWhat are the prospects for limiting or reversing the influence of Brussels over UK labour market policy? And is this desirable or necessary? These questions ...more
LSE BREXIT - Published on December 9, 2015 by Ros TaylorEuropean Studies may be dying out in the UK, but British universities are culturally embedded in the EU, says Helen Drake. Severing links with Europe that ...more
LSE BREXIT - Published on December 7, 2015 by Ros Taylor
With a heavy heart, Emran Mian looks at the best arguments that British universities have so far mustered for staying in the EU - and ...more
LSE BREXIT - Published on December 5, 2015 by Ros Taylor
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