There is today pretty much universal agreement among politicians that we have a serious housing crisis where the main losers are the young generation and the problem is one of supply. So why aren’t things changing? The reason is a powerful array of deeply embedded vested interests that make meaningful change difficult, explains Christian Hilber.
The UK housing affordability crisis is a serious concern. A recent poll by Ipsos Mori found that 15 per cent now mention housing as among the most important issues facing Britain, up from 5 per cent in 2010. The crisis is particularly acute in London and the South East, where housing is most unaffordable. In 2014, a year after the introduction of the government’s Help-to-Buy in scheme, the price of the average dwelling in London increased by almost 26 per cent to £400,404. That’s £82,190 or to really get a sense of what this means £9.38 every hour of the day and the night.
While many London homeowners and private landlords may be delighted to make more money from their houses than they do from their jobs, housing has become ever more unaffordable for young would-be-buyers, which is probably why, according to the same survey, 26 per cent of Londoners think housing is an important issue, much higher than the national average.
Still, government figures show that the rate of home ownership peaked at above 69 per cent nationally in 2002 but has fallen steadily to almost 63 per cent in 2013, largely because fewer young people are buying homes. Other statistics show that in 1991, 67 per cent of 25-34 year olds were homeowners but, by 2011, this had declined to 43 per cent.
In a recent report, I showed that there is strong evidence that the planning system, as well as strong demand in some areas, is the main cause of this affordability crisis. Our planning system restricts urban areas with the use of greenbelts, with ‘development control’ by local authorities and strict controls on height. There is also a lack of tax incentives at local level and a preponderance of ‘not in my backyard’ behaviour, facilitated by the planning regime. This is largely why house building has been in decline or, some might say, in free fall since the late 1960s. We build about a third of the homes each year today than we did in the late 1960s.
In short, the planning system does not allow the supply of homes to rise no matter how high prices rise, which essentially suggests that demand-focused policies proposed by the various parties are attacking symptoms but not causes of the problem. For instance, the Help-to-Buy scheme already mentioned effectively stimulates demand and, since supply is so severely constrained, simply pushes up prices without stimulating construction, exactly as predicted when the policy was first announced. So rather than help, it has effectively priced out young would-be-buyers from the market so that Hinder-to-Buy would have been a more appropriate name for the policy. And it’s not alone in doing more harm than good.
There is today pretty much universal agreement among politicians that we have a serious housing crisis where the main losers are the young generation and there is also some consensus that the problem is one of supply. Regrettably, recognition isn’t leading to action.
Fixing the planning system does not mean not having one. We absolutely need a system of land use planning to correct market failures. The planning system has an important role to play for example to ensure land-based public goods such as urban public parks or areas of outstanding natural beauty are adequately maintained or landmark buildings are protected.
In the absence of serious planning reform, political parties have resorted to announcing house building targets, as they seek to show voters that they will do something about the problem. But, again, these are of little use as prices already give developers, architects and builders the right signals of where and how much to build.
It’s the planning system that ignores price signals and tries to prevent residential development nearly anywhere. Were these price signals not ignored, we would build many more homes in more attractive areas. We’d have more high-rise buildings in town centres and more single-family homes further out. More homes make housing more affordable.That’s a much better way to solve the crisis than with any government-set target.
So if the solution is so simple and obvious, why aren’t things changing? The reason is a powerful array of deeply embedded vested interests that make meaningful change difficult.
Homeowner-NIMBYs can protect the value of their homes by opposing almost any project that spoils their view or generates noise. Homeowners near green belts are even worse and best described as BANANAs: Build-Absolutely-Nothing-Anywhere-Near-Anything. They have particularly nice views to protect and particularly expensive houses that rely, to a certain extent, on keeping the green belt land off-limits from development. What is more, a majority of voters still own their own homes, making the impetus for change even more sluggish.
So, is the only solution to wait for a “socially explosive and economically traumatic” situation that eventually triggers reform or even revolution? Possibly not, because there is an ever-growing group of young and not so young would-be buyers who have a strong interest in genuine reform and who may become more politically powerful over time.
Among the other groups that may begin to push for change are the aspiring and expanding families that have just about managed to get on the housing ladder. This group is crucial because young home-owning families are clear losers of the broken planning system, even though they often don’t realise it. They should be in favour of genuine reform for two reasons: because they live in artificially cramped housing and because they are increasingly priced out from moving to a larger home that would be more adequate for the growing family. Trading up becomes expensive and the problem is only made worse by the stamp duty
Elderly homeowners should also have an interest in change. Many may well be sitting on large capital gains accumulated since the 1960s and 1970s when homes were still affordable. But realising those gains will be difficult if they want to remain in the same communities where they may have built strong ties over the years.
The only real winners of the broken system are elderly homeowners who are prepared to sell their houses, pocket the proceeds and move to a country with cheaper housing. For those who stay put, it’s mostly the children that inherit property who will eventually benefit, leaving children of people who rent at a relative disadvatage. The broken planning system cements wealth inequality and the proposed inheritance tax reform makes things even worse.
Why does no party – not one – propose genuine reform? Politicians of all stripes back away from meaningful change out of fear of being demonised by the vested interests.
Still there is hope. Many commentators – and secretly many politicians – now understand the real cause of the crisis, which suggests public opinion may soon turn away from the vested interests. The polls certainly suggest a softening and even this Financial Times poll shows that almost 72% of its readers would back building on the green belt. Once public opinion warms up to the idea, a well-thought through reform could even become a vote-winner. Now there’s an idea for the next election.
Note: This article was originally published in Disclaimer magazine and is based on a longer research report by Christian Hilber on UK housing and planning policies, part of the CEP’s series of briefings on the policy issues in the May 2015 General Election. It gives the views of the author, and not the position of the General Election blog, nor of the London School of Economics. Please read our comments policy before posting.
Christian Hilber is Associate Professor of Economic Geography at the London School of Economics.
Must agree that Credit Explosion played a (more?) major part in house price increases. Back in the ’70s you could only borrow 2.5 times income and to qualify for a mortgage and then you had to have been a saver with your Building Society for some length of time. Banks generally didn’t provide domestic mortgages. Buy-to-let mortgages were nigh impossible to obtain. Your final sentence is the most important policy change that could be made to make housing affordable again.
I still don’t understand how any expert in housing can overlook the role of credit.
On the face of it you might expect widening access to ever cheaper money simply means more
people are able to buy houses more cheaply. But if the number of houses doesn’t increase then
more people with more money chase the same properties and prices rise rapidly. That is not to say
an increasing population and other demographic changes don’t influence house prices but the
impact is limited without an associated increase in mortgage lending.
Prices are set for entire streets and beyond by the last price paid for one house – a price agreed
between a buyer (most probably a willing borrower), a seller and a willing lender. An
abundance of credit steadily ratchets up prices. Other than an adequate increase in supply the only factor which can temper demand and limit ever increasing price rises is a restriction in the supply of credit.
Rising prices are only possible if someone has access to money – either savings or money created
through lending.
In our system of money when banks make loans they don’t go to a pot of carefully
accrued savings, they create new money, quite literally, at the touch of a button. It is money
printing. 97% of money is deposits created out of thin air by commercials banks. To enable a house
purchase there is a limited cost to a bank.
Politicians and the establishment have an interest in increasing the amount of money in the system when they cannot stimulate economic growth, it’s the only lever they have to generate economic demand.
Limit credit and the price of houses will fall, land will be cheaper and housing as an investment falls away,
If house building started to exceed demand presumably prices would start to fall.
This could be traumatic for homeowners, house builders and for the wider economy and the recovery.
But for houses to be truly affordable for the young, house prices would have to fall a very long way – say to three times an average salary?
By that stage our economy would have largely collapsed.
Fortunately other countries have tried unrestrained building, so we know what it looks like.
Maybe the objective should not be numbers of houses built but rather to manage our economy to achieve static house prices or a reduction of up to 3% pa.
Good article, but the elephant in the room is the availability of credit. The shortage of supply argument simply cannot explain the trebling of house prices between 1995 and 2007, nor the real terms decrease over the credit crunch period. The really unpalatable truth for the politicians to confront is that the freedom to borrow money, when aligned with the banking imperative to maximise debt and therefore collateral, results in misery. The kids can’t be trusted with the sweets.
Spot on. Yet this is rarely mentioned. Does anyone believe Osborne cared about young home buyers when he uses billions of pounds of public money to encourage more bank lending (money printing on a vast scale? No he wants to increase the money supply by the only means he can.
Or of course you could shift taxes from income and trade and put them on Land use – best a Land Value Tax as the Georgists have been telling us for over 100 years. The rent of Land, natural resources and monopoly of all forms is fundamental to poverty and underperformance as an economy & the best way to tackle this is a Land Value Tax which will provide the incentive to build on land in the most efficient way, while increasing Jobs and prosperity for the many.
Fred Harrison covers this well in his Book: Boom Bust: House Prices, Banking and the Depression of 2010 (which he wrote in 2005 and predicted a number of years beforehand)