Meet Your Student Volunteering Ambassadors
Every year the Volunteer Centre recruits a number of Student Volunteering Ambassadors to help inspire other students to volunteer. The following students will share their amazing experiences through blogs, social media and face-to-face on stalls outside the Saw Swee Hock Student Centre. Without further ado, here they all are to introduce themselves…
Arya, Masters in Law
Hey LSE fam! My name’s Arya and I’m a Master of Laws Student. I love dance, music and a good cup of tea! Volunteering’s a part of my life now; I don’t really see it as an extra commitment. I really do think I’ve learnt the most important life lessons from going out and getting involved in society. The plethora of volunteering opportunities offered by the volunteering centre is truly amazing; I bet you there’s something that you’re going to want to get involved with!
Hi I’m Jiho! I’ve recently become one of the volunteering ambassadors. I have participated in several volunteer works and they all became part of me. I believe volunteering is definitely a thing that has the positive influence and hope you all enjoy your volunteering experiences at LSE!
Emily, Second Year Government and History
Hi! During my time at LSE, I have volunteered for two educational charities – CoachBright and IntoUniversity. With CoachBright, I spend an hour a week with a sixth form student at a school in Brixton, helping her with her A-level courses. With IntoUniversity, I visit the charity’s centre in Lambeth every few weeks to meet with my mentee, who is a year 8 student at a local school – we do activities together ranging from homework, to careers quizzes, to baking. Volunteering for these amazing charities has been my most rewarding experience at LSE so far – I have really enjoyed getting to know the students I have been paired with, and I have also learnt a huge amount about the extent of educational inequality within the UK. I would encourage any LSE student with a few spare hours a week to become a coach or a mentor for one of the many educational charities there are in London – in a small amount of time, just an hour a week, you can help a young person from a disadvantaged background to fulfil their academic potential.
Annie, Second Year Social Anthropology
Hi guys! I have made some of my best friends through volunteering and have found it to be the best way to escape the LSE bubble. I’ve become a volunteering ambassador to show that anyone can volunteer at LSE no matter how busy they are – I have a job, am active in a number of societies and I’m also social sec for pole fitness!
Kate, Third Year Mathematics and Economics
Hi there! I’m Kate, am I am honored to be one of the LSE Student Volunteering Ambassadors this year! Throughout my time at the LSE I have been always involved with volunteering, and I cannot wait to share my experience with you guys, hopefully inspiring as many as possible to get on board! Don’t hesitate to stop me for a chat if you see me on campus, or email me (, if you have any questions about the LSE volunteering centre, the volunteering opportunities it offers, or where you can start from. I am sure that incorporating Volunteering into your studies will help you enjoy your time at the LSE to the fullest
Esther, Third Year Social Policy
I have enjoyed my time at LSE so far, but what enhanced my experience most was the volunteering opportunities. I have been involved in mentoring and interning for a charity. These experiences enabled me to develop a number of different skills whilst meeting lots of people and forming friendships. I would definitely recommend getting involved with the volunteering opportunities LSE has to offer!
Mei En, First Year International Relations
My name is Mei En, one of the LSE Volunteer ambassadors for the year. One quote that inspires me is “What you learn, teach. What you get, give” from Dr. Maya Angelou. We are what we are because of the blessings that have come our way. Let us pay it forward and extend acts of grace to those around us as well!
Natasha, Third Year Law
I applied for the role of student ambassador because I value volunteering a lot and I hope that this role will allow me to share my love for this activity with other students. I believe that volunteering is always an amazing opportunity not only it develops your personal skills but also it contributes to the good cause. I’m sure that by helping someone out you add value and sense of fulfilment to your own life as well. I’m very excited about this role, and I’m looking forward to the projects that it’s going to involve and to people, who I’m going to meet.
Nahid, Second Year International Relations
Hi guys! My name is Nahid and I’m a second year student of International Relations. I have chosen to become a student volunteer ambassador because I believe in helping people in any way I can! I look forward to seeing you guys on campus
Hello! I am second year LLB Law Student, and a returning Student Volunteer Ambassador. I am really excited to start some volunteering projects with the Law Department and the Law families, and host an event for International Women’s Day. If you have any ideas, please share them with me! I also want to know how the SVAs and the Volunteer Centre can help students even more. We would love to hear your thoughts!
Inspired to volunteer?
We’ve got more than 200+ ongoing opportunities on CareerHub so make sure you search them for further volunteering information. You can also book a one-to-one with David Coles, the Volunteer Centre Manager, if you have more questions. And why not follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to stay up-to-date with our events and opportunities and read our blog for more volunteering tips and stories.