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2014 European Parliament elections
It would be dangerous to view modern European populism as a triumph of style over substance
July 23rd, 2014
2014 European Parliament elections
Despite Cameron’s opposition, Juncker’s pragmatism makes him as good a Commission President as any for the UK
July 17th, 2014
2014 European Parliament elections
The next President of the European Council and High Representative for Foreign Affairs: a final look at the candidates
July 15th, 2014
2014 European Parliament elections
In spite of their electoral success, populist parties remain disconnected from other parties domestically and transnationally
July 7th, 2014
2014 European Parliament elections
David Cameron’s attempt to block Juncker was a masterclass in how to lose friends in Europe
June 28th, 2014
2014 European Parliament elections
A public vote on Jean-Claude Juncker in the European Council could be a significant step for transparency in EU politics
June 26th, 2014
2014 European Parliament elections
The European Union must have a closer link to national politics if it is to retain its legitimacy
June 19th, 2014
2014 European Parliament elections
Alexis Tsipras’ support for Juncker shows the extent to which the UK’s position is out of sync with public opinion across the EU
June 17th, 2014
2014 European Parliament elections
The European Parliament should return to a ‘dual mandate’ system which uses national politicians as representatives instead of directly elected MEPs
June 16th, 2014
2014 European Parliament elections
The European Parliament elections show the increasingly fragmented nature of European party systems
June 12th, 2014
2014 European Parliament elections
With Fidesz opposing Juncker’s candidacy for Commission President, it is time for the European People’s Party to reconsider its support for Viktor Orbán
June 3rd, 2014
2014 European Parliament elections
The European elections in Central and Eastern EU states illustrate that the rise of Euroscepticism was far from uniform across Europe
May 29th, 2014
2014 European Parliament elections
The real story in the European elections wasn’t the rise of ‘populists and extremists’, but the return of the left-right divide
May 28th, 2014
2014 European Parliament elections
There were few surprises in the European election results in Cyprus, but public discontent was apparent in the large drop in turnout
May 28th, 2014
2014 European Parliament elections
European Parliament election results – our experts react
May 26th, 2014
2014 European Parliament elections
2014 European Parliament election results – live blog
May 25th, 2014
2014 European Parliament elections
Spain’s lack of openly Eurosceptic parties ahead of the EP elections shows the idea of Europe still remains powerful for Spanish citizens
May 20th, 2014
2014 European Parliament elections
European Parliament elections: a final look at the polls
May 20th, 2014
2014 European Parliament elections
Unless Juncker and Schulz can co-operate, the EU will lose an important opportunity for democratisation
May 16th, 2014
2014 European Parliament elections
The European Parliament elections may be a landmark for Eurosceptics, but the EU’s future direction will be decided elsewhere
May 14th, 2014
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